God’s Presence

Dealing with a chronic illness can be a lonely struggle. Sometimes you feel it is you against the world. As a Believer in Jesus Christ, you are not alone. God promises His presence will go with you.

Today’s Bible Verse:

Exodus 33:14 (KJV), “And he said, My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest.”

What the Verse Means:

The verse tells us that God Himself will is pledging He will go with you. He is not delegating this task to another. We see it manifest in Exodus 13:21 with the fire and cloudy pillar. The rest promised is not only rest from the present anguish and troubles but in due time God will bring them to their resting-place and settled habitation, the Promised Land.

Pray Using the Verses:

  1. Heavenly Father, we pray to feel and experience the comfort of God’s presence.
  2. Help us, Lord, to experience and accept the promise of rest You give.
  3. Pray that your loved ones would experience God’s presence and rest.

Photo Source: Pixaby

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