Introducing Scrivener

Scrivener software is your scribe.

If you look up scrivener in the dictionary you will find the definition that a scrivener is a historical noun meaning a clerk, scribe, or notary.

Scrivener software is your scribe. The software is a powerful content-generation tool for writers that allows you to concentrate on composing and structuring long and difficult documents. While it gives you complete control of the formatting, its focus is on helping you get to the end of that awkward first draft. Each wants to be a writer knows the first step to getting a book published is to complete writing the first draft.

How Does Scrivener Help?

Scrivener is your complete writing studio.

Scrivener helps you to write, structure, and revise your book.

Scrivener helps you create order from chaos

Scrivener helps you organize your research where it is not only within easy reach but where you can find your stuff.  

Scrivener helps you get the first draft completed where you can compile and/or export it for printing.

Scrivener even has an ios version if you use an iPhone. So far there isn’t a version available for an Android user like me.

Scrivener is used by persons needing a long-form project management tool. The software is used by all sorts of professional and amateur writers, from best-selling and aspiring novelists to Hollywood scriptwriters, from students and academics to lawyers and journalists: anyone who works on long and difficult writing projects.

So, what is Scrivener?

Scrivener is aimed at writers of all kinds—novelists, journalists, academics, screenwriters, playwrights—who need to structure a long piece of text while referring to research documents.

Scrivener is a ring-binder, a scrapbook, a corkboard, an outliner and text editor all rolled into one.

It is primarily intended to be a first draft tool; although it is possible to complete a project that requires only basic formatting – such as a novel or short story – in Scrivener, often you will want to take your draft to a dedicated word processor or layout program for final formatting.

Scrivener is intended to be a kind of “writer’s shed” for those of us who don’t have a spare shed.

Source: Adapted from the introduction in Scrivener tutorial in the software’s help file

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