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Writer’s Life: Keep Writing and Submitting!

Today I attended orientation at my new part-time day job. It was fun. It also allows me more time for writing. Since I quit the full-time day job the end of January I have submitted four poems, one short story, and pitched my historical fiction novel. I also have attended my Dallas Writing Practice Group each week.

I keep reminding myself I must write daily and  send my manuscripts with the consistency of the sun rising and setting. This I do.

I continue reading. I’m reading speculative fiction, the Bible, Steve Jobs biography, a historical fiction novel set Virginia during the US Civil War, and nonfiction military history. I also am listening to a number of podcasts. They include: “I Should Be Writing”, “The Drabblecast”, “The Writer’s Almanac”, and “Writing Excuses”.

I had one speculative fiction short story rejected. I continue writing and editing my historical fiction book.

I was encouraged when I received an update from Candace Have Online Writer’s Workshop Chat Group today. It has the story of one member of the group who after over 400 rejections sold her first book, followed by two more and then a series.

Hold on tight to you dreams, but keep writing and learning.

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