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What are Different Types of Journaling?

What are Different Types of Journaling?

Welcome all. I hope you’re having a wonderful day. Journaling is a great way to take a better look at yourself. Let’s call it an exciting journey into self-examination.

Within sight there is a journal, not just any journal but a black leather bound journal, with gold accents and a red ribbon bookmark. It sits on a cherry wood table with a brass edge, situated in the center of a soft white pillow. You pick it up , open it, and wonder what you write on the pages.

Here are some ideas on moving the thoughts in your head onto the pages before you.

Three Types of Journaling

Did you know that three types of journaling are common. Let’s call them journaling, spiritual journaling, and Christian journaling. We’ll look at little deeper into each.

1. Journaling

Journaling is the practice of keeping a written record of one’s thoughts, feelings, and experiences. It can include anything from daily reflections and musings to long-term goals and aspirations. Morning pages would be an example.

A definition of morning pages is you wake up in the morning, get up, and one of the first things you do is write three pages in a kind of stream of consciousness way before doing anything that could clutter your thoughts or creativity.

Six benefits of Journaling

    1. Improved mental clarity and focus: Writing in a journal first thing in the morning can help clear your mind and set the tone for a productive day.
    2. Increased self-awareness: Keeping a journal allows you to reflect on your thoughts and emotions, which can help increase your understanding of yourself.
    3. Better stress management: Journaling can be a therapeutic way to process and release feelings of stress and anxiety.
    4. Greater productivity: Writing down your goals and tasks for the day can help you stay organized and motivated throughout the day.
    5. Better memory retention: Putting your thoughts and experiences on paper can help you remember them more clearly and for a longer period of time.
    6. Personal Growth: journaling can help you track your progress, measure your achievements and identify areas where you need to improve in order to reach your goals.

2. Spiritual Journaling

Spiritual journaling is a specific type of journaling that focuses on one’s spiritual beliefs, practices and experiences. It may include reflections on religious teachings, prayer, meditation, and other spiritual practices. That’s why I separated Christian journaling into a third category.

I’m defining spiritual journaling as metaphysical. In society today, metaphysics is practiced as a spiritual path that branches over all others, given that it accepts all spiritual paths as a means to a greater truth. It has evolved as a branch of philosophy that asks questions like “why are we here?” and “what lies beyond what we can sense with our senses.”

Six Benefits of Spiritual Journaling

    1. Greater understanding of your spiritual beliefs and practices: Journaling about your spiritual experiences and beliefs can help you gain a deeper understanding of what you believe and how you can integrate those beliefs into your daily life.
    2. Improved mindfulness and presence: Keeping a spiritual journal can help you stay more present in the moment and mindful of your thoughts and emotions.
    3. Increased self-awareness: Reflecting on your spiritual journey can help you gain a greater understanding of yourself and your place in the world.
    4. Clarity in decision making: Journaling can help you gain a deeper understanding of your values and priorities, which can make decision making easier.
    5. Increased connection to a higher power: Writing about your spiritual experiences can help you feel more connected to a higher power or sense of something greater than yourself.
    6. A sense of peace and inner calm: Reflecting on your spiritual journey and beliefs can bring a sense of peace and inner calm, and can help you find meaning and purpose in your life.

3. Christian Journaling

Christian journaling is a type of spiritual journaling that specifically focuses on the Christian faith. It includes reflections on scripture, prayer, and the application of Christian principles in daily life.

It can also include recording the personal experience of living and growing in faith, the understanding of biblical texts and its application in the daily life, and the testimony of God’s guidance and provision.

Six Benefits of Christian Journaling

    1. Closer Relationship with God: Christian journaling can help you develop a deeper relationship with God through reflection on scripture and prayer, and by recording your thoughts and feelings.
    2. Increased spiritual growth: Journaling can help you track your spiritual journey, measure your growth, and identify areas where you need to improve.
    3. Greater understanding of scripture: Writing down your thoughts and reflections on scripture can help you gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the Bible.
    4. Improved accountability: Keeping a Christian journal can help you hold yourself accountable to your faith and beliefs, and make sure that you’re living in a way that is true to your faith.
    5. Christian faith: Journaling can help you gain a deeper understanding of God’s will for your life and make better decisions.
    6. A deeper sense of gratitude and appreciation for God’s blessings: Reflecting on the blessings in your life and the ways God has been present can increase gratitude and appreciation for God’s love and grace in your life.


Journaling is a general practice, spiritual journaling is a more specific practice that includes reflections on one’s spiritual beliefs and practices, and Christian journaling is a more specific practice within spiritual journaling that focuses on the Christian faith.

Why not try journaling?

Photo Source: All photos and videos were taken by the author unless noted in the photo caption.
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