
Part of learning to live with a chronic illness is relying on God.

For the person and their family that are living with a chronic illness, they need never to be ashamed to rely on the Lord God. He is their rock and fortress.

Today’s Bible Verse:

Psalm 71: 3 (KJV), “Be thou my strong habitation, whereunto I may continually resort: thou hast given commandment to save me; for thou art my rock and my fortress.”

What the Verse Means:

God is here for us all the time. We can always go to and rely on God. The Lord God is our rock and fortress.

Personalized Prayer Using Today’s Scripture:

  • Heavenly Father, we rely on and thank you for being here for us.
  • Lord Jesus, we pray that we will continually place our confidence and trust in You.
  • Thank you for being our rock and our fortress.

Photo Source: Pixabay

Thy Will Be Done

Today’s blog post is from the book “Thy Will Be Done: 60 Prayers for the Chronically Ill” by Jimmie Aaron Kepler. It is available in print and on Kindle for Amazon at Amazon Print or Amazon Kindle.

If you are an Amazon Kindle Unlimited member the book is available to read for free in Kindle format. Over the next two months, I will publish each chapter as a blog post