Salt and Light

Salt and Light

While serving as a deacon at Prestonwood Baptist Church in 2007 my pastor, Dr Jack Graham, challenged the deacons to get more involved and think creatively on how to have more witnessing opportunities. Most of us have few non-Believers in our lives and don’t belong to groups with non-Christians members he stated.

Your Circles of Influence

What can you do to increase the number of persons without Christ in your circles of influence?  Maybe you need to become the self and light in a civic club or community organization for example. Joining a group outside of church can help you build relationship and bridges to the non-Believers for the purpose of sharing your faith. 

A Two-fold Approach

My response was two-fold. First, I joined a secular writer’s group. My churchy writing was met with less than enthusiasm in the first-amendment group. Graphic violence, steamy romance, and LGBTQ+ stories were embraced by the group; my Jesus and Bible-based stories, not so much.

Second, I started writing and reading each morning in coffee shops. After a few weeks many of the regular patrons would ask me what I was doing. I’d tell them I was writing Christian nonfiction or religious sci-fi. 

Some rolled their eyes and moved on. Most would next say, tell me about your writing. The same held true with asking about the book I was reading.

Many times they would ask me what I’m reading. Is it any good? What’s it about?

Sometimes I give them the copy of the book. Other times they would write down the same and days or weeks later they smile when they see me at my table and hold up their copy of the book. 

God has used these moments for me to get books on caregiving, Christian parenting, Christian living, and Christian fiction in the hands of non-Believers, persons that have dropped out of church, and seekers.

Today’s Experience

This morning I read my morning devotional from “A Place at His Table” by Jeannie Waters. While reading I had two people interrupt me and ask about the book. 

One younger woman asked “whose table” the book was talking about. I shared a few brief comments I’d gleaned from the books introduction. I mentioned the table tips and she got excited. 

The other person was a retired judge I knew. She laughed and said I did a good job of vetting books. She said she’ll have to check it out, especially with the holidays coming. 

I see the first woman regularly at my gym and from time to time at the coffeeshop. The second lady I’ve seen for months as she picks up her coffee. She gets coffee and reads most morning. I still remember the morning she interrupted me and said, you’re a writer. She sated, I asked one of the baristas what you do here every day, that’s how I know. I’m always looking for something good to read, tell me about what you write.

Yes, you can have opportunities to share your faith when reading a book. My going to the same place over and over builds a feel of the familiar and a sense of comfort when the regulars come and go and see me doing my thing. 

And while here, many times the Father tugs at their heart and uses me … and sometimes your writing to share the Message of Jesus.

And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.

Habakkuk 2:2-3 KJV

Learn More Here

A Place at His Table by Jeannie Waters is available from Amazon. Here’s a link where you can learn more on the book. A Place at His Table.

Writer’s Log – August 18, 2023

Dr. Jim Kepler

I’m Jim Kepler, Christian nonfiction author bringing you inspiration and encouragement as you join me on my writing journey. I’m an older adult, widower, and write as my retirement job. If I can write and get published, why not you? Thank you for joining me as I share encouragement and my journey. And now here’s the my update for Friday, August 18, 2023.

Yesterday, Dallas shattered the temperature record, hitting a scorching 109°F! That’s two degrees higher than the old record of 107°F. Can you believe Dallas’ temperature history only spans 125 years? Today marked just the 5th time in that span when it hit 109°F or higher in August. 

Brace yourselves, because the forecast predicts we’re in for 109°F or hotter for the next few days, with over 105°F for the next 12 days! Let’s cross our fingers that we don’t match or break today’s record high of 112°F.

The day kicked off like any other. I woke up, took care of the usual morning routine, prescription meds in check, and out the door before 8:00 AM. My go-to start? A long pit stop at Starbucks for some much-needed morning coffee, a yummy bagel, and writing.

Today at the coffee joint, it felt like I stepped into a cheerleading movie scene! High school cheerleaders were all decked out in their outfits, with those knee socks and super short skirts. Seriously, when did cheerleader outfits shrink so much? Some of my headbands are wider than their micro minis! And when did they get so young? I did the math, and it’ll be like the years 2075-2080 before these girls are my age.

Still deep into editing and rewriting my upcoming nonfiction book “Hope: How to Have Hope During Times of Hardship from my series The Bible Speaks to Life Issues Book Three. My trigger finger needs some surgical attention, but I’m holding off until after my fall getaway. Also dealing with a trigger thumb on my left hand, probably from compensating for the trigger finger. Add in the ol’ arthritis, and it’s a party! 

Dictation is my savior – using it for most of my social media posts and emails. Takes me back to the days after graduating from university in the ’70s, when dictation was king and secretaries were wizards. The PC wave pretty much ended that era. And secretaries have transformed into administrative assistants.

Later today, it’s off to the fitness center for my walk. Gotta keep the momentum going – been hitting my walking goal for 26 out of the last 30 days! I take Sunday’s off to rest the tired old body of mine. And boy, does regular exercise make a difference. Even in yesterday’s blistering heat at Dallas Love Field, I trekked from my car to the terminal barely breaking a sweat.

Nap time’s on the schedule for later today too – a well-deserved one, considering the heat, my age, and a big night ahead. Mensa group’s monthly fundraiser is on, and we’re playing poker to rake in some funds for scholarships. Going with my partner-in-crime “she who can’t be named on the Internet” and the Chicago lady I met at Love Field yesterday. I just am no longer able to rock and roll all night and party every day. That’s now the formula for an dying from exhaustion. 

Somewhere in the mix, I’ll sneak in some quality reading and tune in to soothing jazz as I immerse myself in a blissful hour or two with a good book in my comfy recliner.

Life lessons have taught me that hot summers don’t last forever. Fall’s around the corner, with cooler weather and then winter – and even Christmas! Appreciating them more as I live through the summer blast furnace, surviving for the bliss ahead.

You can find my books at or or

Stay hydrated, keep flashing those smiles, and let’s embrace whatever comes our way!



Writer’s Log – June 13, 2023

The Importance of a Good Writing Area for a Writer: Home Office vs. Coffee Shop

Yes, I’m a Writer

In case you haven’t noticed, I’m a writer. Yes, I confess an addiction to put words in an organized manner of a page. I even sell the collections of words I pen.

Writing Areas

For writers, having a dedicated and comfortable writing area is crucial for fostering creativity, focus, and productivity. A well-designed writing space not only provides a physical space to work but also creates an ambiance that promotes inspiration and concentration. 

Home Office or Coffee Shop Advantages

While both a home office and a coffee shop offer potential writing environments, each has its own unique benefits and drawbacks. In this essay, we will explore the importance of a good writing area and compare the pros and cons of a home office versus a coffee shop for writing.

Ownership and Familiarity

A good writing area provides writers with a sense of ownership and familiarity. 

A home office allows writers to personalize their space according to their preferences, with familiar objects, photographs, or inspirational quotes adorning the walls. This familiarity can create a comfortable and reassuring environment, enhancing one’s creative process. 

On the other hand, coffee shops offer a different kind of atmosphere, often bustling with activity and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Some writers find this ambiance stimulating, as it provides a dynamic backdrop that can inspire new ideas and fresh perspectives.

Facilitates Focus and Minimizes Distractions

A good writing area facilitates focus and minimizes distractions. 

A home office offers the advantage of privacy, allowing writers to shut out external disturbances and immerse themselves in their work. With the ability to control the environment, writers can minimize noise, interruptions, and other distractions that may hinder their concentration. However, a home office may present its own set of distractions, such as household chores, family members, or the temptation to procrastinate. 

In contrast, a coffee shop can provide a semi-public space that naturally limits distractions, as the writer is less likely to be interrupted by domestic responsibilities. The ambient noise in a coffee shop can also act as white noise, helping some writers enter a state of focused flow.

Productivity and Creative Output

A good writing area influences one’s productivity and creative output. 

In a well-organized home office, writers can have easy access to all the resources they need, including reference materials, books, and research documents. This convenience can streamline the writing process, allowing for efficient work and quick reference checks. Additionally, a home office eliminates the time and effort spent commuting to a coffee shop, providing more dedicated writing time. 

Conversely, a coffee shop can offer a change of scenery, which can be especially beneficial for those experiencing writer’s block or feeling uninspired. The lively atmosphere and the presence of other people can inject a sense of energy and motivation into the writing process.

Home Office or Coffee Shop Disadvantages

While both a home office and a coffee shop have their advantages, they also have some drawbacks. 

A home office, for instance, can sometimes become isolating, lacking the social interaction and sense of community that a coffee shop provides. Additionally, the solitude of a home office might result in feelings of loneliness or hinder collaboration opportunities. 

On the other hand, coffee shops may have limited seating availability, noisy patrons, or inconsistent Wi-Fi connections, which can impede productivity and concentration.


In conclusion, a good writing area plays a significant role in a writer’s creative process and overall productivity. Whether it is a home office or a coffee shop, each option offers unique benefits and drawbacks. 

A home office provides familiarity, privacy, and easy access to resources, while a coffee shop offers a dynamic atmosphere and the potential for inspiration. Ultimately, the choice between a home office and a coffee shop depends on individual preferences, working style, and the specific needs of the writer. 

Some writers may thrive in the solitude of a home office, while others may find inspiration in the lively ambiance of a coffee shop. 

The key is to find a writing area that cultivates focus, minimizes distractions, and ultimately fosters a conducive environment for the creative process. 

My Writing Areas Over Time

Starbucks 2023

Jim Kepler in hat at Starbucks
In this photo I am sitting at my writing area at Starbucks.

My writing area at Starbucks

Home office 2023

This is a tour of my bedroom office in The Colony, Texas in June 2023.

Home office 2013

This is a tour of my bedroom office in The Colony, Texas in August 2013.

Writing Life – June 8, 2023

Jimmie Kepler holding CS Lewis classic spiritual books bookset.

Hey everyone. Happy Thursday. Let’s make it a terrific day! 🎉 It’s June 8th, and I’m feeling fantastic! Here’s a glimpse of my day so far:

Started the morning with my usual routine of taking my RXs and spending some peaceful time with my devotional. ✨ It’s important to start the day on a positive note!

I had an exciting moment of financial responsibility by making a deposit to my bank savings account as some money I was owed showed up – as they say they check was in the mail.  💰 It’s always great to see those savings grow! I like collecting money more than spending it. Sigh – I paid my quarterly federal taxes yesterday, so on the ledger it’s like a wash or break even.

Then, I hopped into my car and drove to my favorite local coffee house ☕️ to get my caffeine fix. Nothing beats the aroma of freshly brewed coffee in the morning!

Now, I’m diving into some productive writing and editing tasks. 📝 There’s something satisfying about polishing your work and making it shine!

Later in the morning, I’ll be delving back into the enchanting world of “The Lord of the Rings” by J.R.R. Tolkien. 🧙‍♂️ Can’t wait to get lost in the epic adventure once again!

Afterwards, I’ll be heading to the mall for my daily walk. 🏃‍♀️ It’s a great way to stay active and enjoy some window shopping at the same time!

In the afternoon, I’m continuing my reading journey with “The Screwtape Letters” by C.S. Lewis. 📚 It’s fascinating to explore the intricate depths of Lewis’s mind! I’m reading through the spiritual classics of C.S. Lewis (see today’selfie). 📚

I also have more exciting things to work on today, like more government paperwork preparing for my trans-pacific cruise. 🚢 Adventure awaits!

Yesterday, I had a major win by securing my assigned seats on a Quantas Airlines flight from Sydney, Australia back to LAX for a November trip. I got an aisle seat close to the restroom – both are important for me and especially since I’ll on the plane over sixteen hours. ✈️ The excitement is building up!

Later tonight, I’ll be joining a refreshing Bible Study Magazine session via Zoom. 📖 It’s always inspiring to connect with others and grow in faith together. The group is an important part of my writing family and my personal spiritual growth.

Before I doze off, I’ll be indulging in some captivating bedtime reading with “Madly, Deeply” by Alan Rickman. 🌙 It’s like having a personal conversation with the amazing actor himself! Don’t know Alan Rickman? He was the villain in the first Die Hard movie and Snape in the Harry Potter movies plus many more movies and plays.

Remember, folks, have an amazing day and strive to make a positive impact on someone’s life. Let the light of Jesus shine through you, and spread that love and positivity! ✨❤️ Let’s make the world a better place together!

Pilgrimage: Lessons Learned from Solo Walking Three Ancient Ways by J.F. Penn


Pilgrimage: Lessons Learned from Solo Walking Three Ancient Ways

So, have you heard of “Pilgrimage: Lessons Learned from Solo Walking Three Ancient Ways” by J.F. Penn? It’s an amazing book that follows the author’s solo walks along three ancient pilgrim routes: the Pilgrim’s Way, the St. Cuthbert’s Way (both in the UK), and the Camino de Santiago in Portugal and Spain.

Personal experiences, challenges, and insights

Penn shares her personal experiences, challenges, and insights as she walks these routes and reflects on the lessons she learned along the way. The book is divided into three sections, each focusing on a different aspect of the journey. The introduction gives you a glimpse into her personal faith journey pilgrimage, which helps set the tone for the rest of the book.

Part 1: Preparation

In the first section, “Part 1: Preparation,” she takes you through her preparation for the journey, including practical information on gear, accommodation, and navigation. She also shares her reflections on the inner journey and her fears, which makes her relatable and vulnerable.

Part 2: The Journey

In the second section, “Part 2: The Journey,” Penn describes her experiences along the way, and the lessons she learned about herself, the world, and the pilgrim tradition. She also includes helpful information for anyone who might want to walk these routes, like hardships, lodging, and eating options.

Part 3: Arriving and the Return

In the third section, “Part 3: Arriving and the Return,” she talks about the letdown of the journey, the unique personal experience, and returning to the real world.

What I love about “Pilgrimage”

What I love about “Pilgrimage” is how Penn weaves together personal anecdotes, historical and cultural information, and philosophical reflections. Her writing is clear and sincere, and she shares both her joys and challenges with honesty and humility. The descriptions of the landscapes, people, and cultures she encounters are vivid and evocative, and she brings a sense of wonder and curiosity to her journey that is contagious.

“Pilgrimage” is a beautifully written and deeply insightful book that will appeal to anyone interested in pilgrimage, travel, or personal growth. Penn’s reflections on the spiritual and psychological benefits of pilgrimage are especially moving and will resonate with readers seeking to deepen their own understanding of themselves and the world around them. 

I highly recommend this book! Five stars.


Gift Idea Books for Valentines Day

Does your girlfriend or wife like to read?

If so, consider giving them a book – along with flowers and taking them out to dinner – for Valentine’s Day this year.

Here are some books published since 2020 you may buy for your girlfriend, wife, or self for Valentine’s Day.

The Push

The Push by Ashley Audrain: A novel that tells the story of a new mother struggling to bond with her baby and the dark secrets of love and obsession that threaten to tear her family apart.

There are over 36,000 ratings on Amazon with an average of 4.3 out of 5 stars.  You can click on the below link to learn more about the book. There’s no obligation to buy. It only provides more detailed information and reviews.

The Vanishing Half

The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett: this novel tells the story of twin sisters who grow up in a small, southern black community, and the choices which lead them to different lives and experiences. It’s a story that explores the concept of identity, race, and family.

Amazingly, this novel has over 98,000 ratings on Amazon with an average rating of 4.4 out of 5 stars. You can click on the below link to learn more about the book. There’s no obligation to buy. It only provides more detailed information and reviews.

The Four Winds

The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah: a historical fiction novel that tells the story of a woman who must make a tough choice to save her family by leaving her Texas home during the Great Depression and start a new life in California. It’s a story of hope, resilience, and the unlikely friendships she forms along the way.

The Four Winds has over 129,000 ratings on Amazon with an average rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars. You can click on the below link to learn more about the book. There’s no obligation to buy. It only provides more detailed information and reviews.

The Code Breaker: Jennifer Doudna, Gene Editing, and the Future of the Human Race

The Code Breaker by Walter Isaacson: It’s the story of Nobel Prize in Chemistry winner Jennifer Douda. The book  explores the revolutionary technology of CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing and its implications for the future of humanity. It focuses on the work of biochemist Jennifer Doudna, who co-invented the CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing tool and has been at the forefront of research on its potential uses. It delves into the ethical, social, and scientific questions that arise from this powerful new technology and its potential to change the course of human evolution.

You can click on the below link to learn more about the book. There’s no obligation to buy. It only provides more detailed information and reviews.

The Sanatorium

The Sanatorium by Sarah Pearse: Set in a remote Swiss sanatorium, this psychological thriller published in 2020 a detective as she investigates a murder that occurred in the snowy peaks which bury secrets and lies.

This is book one on the Detective Elin Warner Series. You can click on the below link to learn more about the book. There’s no obligation to buy. It only provides more detailed information and reviews.

The Code for Love and Heartbreak

The Code for Love and Heartbreak by Jillian Cantor: A contemporary fiction novel, published in 2020, the book tells a story of love, loss, and the unexpected connections which can change everything.  Emma is a math genius. She and her coding club co-president, George are tasked with brainstorming a new project. The project’s results?  The Code for Love is born. It’s a contemporary romcom retelling of Jane Austen’s Emma.

You can click on the below link to learn more about the book. There’s no obligation to buy. It only provides more detailed information and reviews.

Disclosure: I am an Amazon affiliate. If you purchase using the links in the article I receive a small commission.

Book Review: Honoring God With My Body

Honoring God with My Body by Katherine Pasour

Hey everyone, I just finished reading Honoring God with My Body by Katherine Pasour and I have to say, it was a great read! If you’re looking to improve your physical and spiritual health, I highly recommend this book.

Scriptural References and Practical Tips

Katherine does a fantastic job of weaving in Scriptural references and practical tips to help you make healthy lifestyle changes. The book is well-organized with inspiring text, space for you to take notes and journal your responses, and thought-provoking questions. I really appreciated the focus on mental and emotional health in addition to physical well-being, which added depth to the book’s message.

A Valuable Resource

I used the book for my personal devotional time over a ten week period and found it to be a valuable resource. It’s perfect for both individual study and for use in a women’s small group Bible study. If you’re looking to live a healthier, more fulfilling life in service to God, I definitely recommend giving this book a read. It takes you on a journey towards wellness so that you can honor God with your body. A healthy body allows us to serve God and have our light shine bright in His service.

I purchased the book in print form from Amazon on October 4, 2022. I have received no compensation for the review. The thoughts are my own. If you would like a copy of the book you can purchase a copy below. Disclosure: I am an Amazon affiliate. If you purchase using the below link I receive a small commission.

Purchase Here

You can purchase the book below.

Who Will Guide You In All Truth?

Who Tells the Snow to Fall on the Earth?
