A Love Story

Onset of Evening

Embracing the onset of evening, the sky painted itself with hues of orange and pink, gently draping a tranquil enchantment over the city. Amidst the streets, weathered by the hands of time, strolled a couple, their love deepened by over five decades spent together.

Holding hands with fingers intertwined, they embarked on their quest for dinner, enjoying the shared moments.

The gentleman, his gray eyes a perpetual twinkle of affection, turned to his beloved with a smile that radiated warmth. “My dear,” his voice playful, a vessel of countless shared memories, began, “where shall we dine tonight?”

Her response, soft as a whisper carried by the wind, danced between them. “It matters not where we find ourselves, my love, for your choice is all I need.”

In the crinkle of his eyes, an unspoken understanding bloomed. 

Golden Arches

He saw the golden arches of McDonald’s beckoning from around the corner. A big black poster with gold lettering advertising a senior coffee discount was in its window.

While he proposed this fast-food haven, her gaze wandered to the opposite side of the street where Subway’s bright green and yellow sign promised a world of fresh sandwiches.

Healthier Option

“Subway is a healthier option,” her reply, like a petal brushed by a breeze, conveyed more than words. The five simple words were a testimony to the harmony and trust woven into their relationship.

“Then, Subway it is.” He desired to meet her wants more than his needs, shown by his words. 

Hand in hand, they crossed the street, arriving at their chosen destination. 

“Allow me.” He bowed, holding the door for her.

Inside the fragrant cocoon of Subway, they stood shoulder to shoulder, exploring the menu with a childlike curiosity. The shared decision-making transformed a simple meal into a cherished experience, with the food being of secondary importance. A playful touch of indecision described their discussion to get a foot-long sub.


“Does anything catch your eye, my dear?”

“No, my love. Your preferences are mine, and the joy of sharing is my desire.”

His smile widened; a silent agreement exchanged. Their gazes settled on the young man behind the counter. 

“We’ll have a foot-long Italian meatball on white bread,” he stated with a glint in his voice.

“Dear, although the Italian meatball tempts me, the Black Forest ham on wheat is healthier.”

“Change it to Black Forest ham on wheat bread, crowned with American cheese.”

“Ah, pepper jack might add a zestful twist,” she proposed.

“Pepper jack cheese it is.”

The young man behind the counter managed a slight shake of his head.

“Add lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, onions, green peppers, and jalapeños…”

“Your desires intrigue me, my love, yet I think omitting jalapeños and pickles would suit our taste.”

“Let’s skip the jalapenos and pickles. Please add one squeeze, mayo,” he said with another sigh and a slight chuckle.

“Indeed. Maybe choose light mayo, for your health, and instead of the green peppers, spinach.”

With a slight shake of his head, he looked at the young man behind the counter. “Could we perhaps opt for the light mayo for a healthier choice and spinach instead of green peppers?”

The young man’s patience seemed to wear thin.

“Combo with chips and drink?” the server inquired.

“Yes, what do you want to drink?” he said, looking at his wife.

“Love, let’s remember our water and crisp apple slices at home. An economical choice would be wise. We can skip the chips and drink,” she interjected.

“Just the sub,” he said, grateful for her balanced judgment.

With a subtle droop of his eyelids, the server delicately rolls his eyes upward, conveying a mixture of exasperation and amusement.

An ordinary dinner, yet within its simplicity, love bloomed.

They walked home and dined on the back patio.

Your Preferences

“Thank you for tonight. Aren’t you glad I let your preferences guide us?” she purred playfully.

As they savored each bite of their sandwiches, they tasted not just the flavors, but the essence of their journey together. Amid the mundane, his gaze locked onto hers, and he said three simple words, “I love you,” where he conveyed his heart.

She returned his smile, her eyes echoing his twinkle.

“Love is patient, love is kind,” he recited softly, invoking words that resonated within their hearts.

As their meal wound to an end, rising from their chairs, she enfolded him in an embrace that transcended language.

In that moment, he felt the weight of those words.

This Subway encounter, seemingly trivial, unfolded as a symphony of love’s melodies, a sonnet of tenderness and compromise. Amid the world’s chaos, their love remained a steadfast anchor, found in the simple gestures they exchanged daily.

Time for Television

Leaving the patio for an evening of TV, hands intertwined, they knew their love was unbreakable, a bond that would withstand time and circumstance.

And they moved to the television room. He asked, “What do you want to watch, my dear?” he asked.

“No, my love. Your preferences are mine, and the joy of sharing is my desire.”

“Great. How about Top Gun: Maverick?”

“Okay, but I thought maybe a Hallmark Mystery Movie would be more in line with OUR preferences.”

“Hallmark Mystery Movie it is,” he said with a slight chuckle. He then took her right hand and kissed it.

Love is patient, Love is Kind

His choices reflected the verses of 1 Corinthians 13; Love is patient, love is kind. 

And she knew he cherished her.


Note: A Love Story by Jimmie Aaron Kepler was a winner of the 2023 Flash Fiction Contest of the Writer’s Guild of Texas.

What Does the Bible Say About Faithfulness?

Unwrapping Christmas Joy and Beyond


Christmas Has Come and Gone

Beloved friends and family,

As I sit down to pen this post, the echoes of festive cheer still resonate in my heart. Yes, it’s true – Christmas has once again graced us with its magical presence, and just as swiftly, bid us adieu.

The flurry of excitement, the joyous reunions, and the warmth of love shared during this season have left an indelible mark on our souls. All the boxes Santa, err Amazon, brought to the front porch have long been carried into the house. We opened the boxes and packages, verifying the received orders. From their former home is the box with a smile under the company name. The supplier promised everything from A to Z. We re-wrapped the contents in magical paper covered with Santas, snowmen, candy canes, and even stars over mangers.

Excitement to Aftermath

Within the previous twenty-four to thirty-six hours, the wrapped gifts were delivered or opened. The air once infused with the scent of anticipation, though now, the excitement has settled into the muted aftermath of celebration. Remnants of the season lie scattered around the house. Bows, ribbons, and crumpled papers with tags and tape now litter the floor. The present’s contents are spewed across sofas, love seats, coffee tables. A floor, once a pristine canvas, is now a tapestry of holiday remnants, a testament to the joyous chaos that ensued.

Now What?

The question that lingers in the air like a delicate snowflake is – what now?

The routine unfolds predictably. New socks and undies, a few even adorned with holiday motifs, will undergo the ritual of washing before finding their place in the proper chest of drawers or dresser drawers. Nana and grandpas will gather trash bags, their sighs mingling with the rustle of torn wrapping paper as they contemplate the disposal of holiday excess. They’re already missing their precious children and while missing the grandkids, they feel a little guilty. They’re glad the grandkid’s are gone back home with their parents.

Indecision reigns as moms ponder the fate of the new acquisitions. A select few will become cherished staples in daily life, while others await their destiny, teetering on the edge of becoming garage sale treasures or contributions to a local charity.

The lucky few will not have over spent. The most fortunate will have paid for the items. The impulsive and undisciplined added the purchases to their credit cards monthly balance, causing financial pressures on their quality of life and even relationships.

A Hush Descends

In the wake of the festive storm, a hush descends. A very few among us will take a moment to reflect on the true essence of Christmas. Perhaps they will turn to the pages of the Bible, finding solace and meaning in the timeless story of Jesus. However, for the masses, the routine resumes. Jesus, like a cherished ornament, is gently placed back in the closet until the next significant occasion—perhaps Easter or a family funeral.

True Gifts Endure

And so, with a sigh of contentment and a touch of nostalgia, we bid adieu to another Christmas. Yet, for the fortunate, the true gifts of the season endure. As we clear away the holiday clutter, may we replace it with the daily presence and worship of Jesus, the greatest gift of all.

If you’re curious about my personal journey to discovering and embracing Christianity, I invite you to click HERE for my story.

Wishing you all a season of love, reflection, and newfound grace as we step into the dawn of a new year.

Salt and Light

Salt and Light

While serving as a deacon at Prestonwood Baptist Church in 2007 my pastor, Dr Jack Graham, challenged the deacons to get more involved and think creatively on how to have more witnessing opportunities. Most of us have few non-Believers in our lives and don’t belong to groups with non-Christians members he stated.

Your Circles of Influence

What can you do to increase the number of persons without Christ in your circles of influence?  Maybe you need to become the self and light in a civic club or community organization for example. Joining a group outside of church can help you build relationship and bridges to the non-Believers for the purpose of sharing your faith. 

A Two-fold Approach

My response was two-fold. First, I joined a secular writer’s group. My churchy writing was met with less than enthusiasm in the first-amendment group. Graphic violence, steamy romance, and LGBTQ+ stories were embraced by the group; my Jesus and Bible-based stories, not so much.

Second, I started writing and reading each morning in coffee shops. After a few weeks many of the regular patrons would ask me what I was doing. I’d tell them I was writing Christian nonfiction or religious sci-fi. 

Some rolled their eyes and moved on. Most would next say, tell me about your writing. The same held true with asking about the book I was reading.

Many times they would ask me what I’m reading. Is it any good? What’s it about?

Sometimes I give them the copy of the book. Other times they would write down the same and days or weeks later they smile when they see me at my table and hold up their copy of the book. 

God has used these moments for me to get books on caregiving, Christian parenting, Christian living, and Christian fiction in the hands of non-Believers, persons that have dropped out of church, and seekers.

Today’s Experience

This morning I read my morning devotional from “A Place at His Table” by Jeannie Waters. While reading I had two people interrupt me and ask about the book. 

One younger woman asked “whose table” the book was talking about. I shared a few brief comments I’d gleaned from the books introduction. I mentioned the table tips and she got excited. 

The other person was a retired judge I knew. She laughed and said I did a good job of vetting books. She said she’ll have to check it out, especially with the holidays coming. 

I see the first woman regularly at my gym and from time to time at the coffeeshop. The second lady I’ve seen for months as she picks up her coffee. She gets coffee and reads most morning. I still remember the morning she interrupted me and said, you’re a writer. She sated, I asked one of the baristas what you do here every day, that’s how I know. I’m always looking for something good to read, tell me about what you write.

Yes, you can have opportunities to share your faith when reading a book. My going to the same place over and over builds a feel of the familiar and a sense of comfort when the regulars come and go and see me doing my thing. 

And while here, many times the Father tugs at their heart and uses me … and sometimes your writing to share the Message of Jesus.

And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.

Habakkuk 2:2-3 KJV

Learn More Here

A Place at His Table by Jeannie Waters is available from Amazon. Here’s a link where you can learn more on the book. A Place at His Table.