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Book Review: Honoring God With My Body

Honoring God with My Body by Katherine Pasour

Hey everyone, I just finished reading Honoring God with My Body by Katherine Pasour and I have to say, it was a great read! If you’re looking to improve your physical and spiritual health, I highly recommend this book.

Scriptural References and Practical Tips

Katherine does a fantastic job of weaving in Scriptural references and practical tips to help you make healthy lifestyle changes. The book is well-organized with inspiring text, space for you to take notes and journal your responses, and thought-provoking questions. I really appreciated the focus on mental and emotional health in addition to physical well-being, which added depth to the book’s message.

A Valuable Resource

I used the book for my personal devotional time over a ten week period and found it to be a valuable resource. It’s perfect for both individual study and for use in a women’s small group Bible study. If you’re looking to live a healthier, more fulfilling life in service to God, I definitely recommend giving this book a read. It takes you on a journey towards wellness so that you can honor God with your body. A healthy body allows us to serve God and have our light shine bright in His service.

I purchased the book in print form from Amazon on October 4, 2022. I have received no compensation for the review. The thoughts are my own. If you would like a copy of the book you can purchase a copy below. Disclosure: I am an Amazon affiliate. If you purchase using the below link I receive a small commission.

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