Friday Morning Writing


Delayed Opening

I am at the Starbucks at Frankfort and Preston this morning. My usual Starbucks Preston next to Barnes and Nobles in Plano, Texas did not open on time as their opener didn’t show. The barista present told me what was going on and that he called the manager.

Besides me, a running club was there. They meet at that location every Tuesday and Friday. The group has twelve to fifteen present most times when they meet.

The next nearest location has been closed for renovation so the morning traffic has really picked up at this location. My estimate would be a loss of at least 30 or 40 sales as once the opener shows they usually take 20 to 30 minutes to get up and going. I know this because my normal location has this happen every few weeks.

Today’s Writing

I am writing this morning. Today I am working on the religious science fiction book Ouest’s first draft. I’m working on chapter seven,

Opening Lines

Here are the first few opening lines from chapter one of Quest.

I woke up howling.

Relax. I must relax. Slow cleansing breathes. Don;’t hyperventilate. I must take slow breaths, I thought.

But I couldn’t relax. My rapidly pounding heart wanted out of my chest. It needed to get out of the room fast.

Well, what do you think? Leave a comment. I’d appreciate your input.

Photo Source: Pixaby


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