Writer’s Log – June 16, 2023

Jim Kepler is a straw hat fedora at Starbucks

A Strange Record Heat

It’s Friday, June 16, 2023, and it’s hot. Dallas, Texas is where I call home. The heat index on Thursday was 109 F degrees. Thursday Dallas Fort Worth (DFW) tied a record. The dew point at DFW airport at 2 p.m. topped 80 degrees. The last time the dew point was this high was on June 14, 1997 (26 years ago). Wow! The dew point is how much water is in the air. The dew point plus temperature equals a misery index in my mind.

Slept Almost 12-Hours

Yesterday I slept for almost twelve hours. No, I didn’t stay up all night. My bedtime was just before eleven PM and I got up a few minutes before noon. I don’t know whether to say yea to me or what’s happening? Six out of seven nights a week, get eight hours of sleep and average eight hours a day almost every month. So, what’s up with staying in bed half the day?

After waking up, I took my RXs.

My daily devotional time followed The I jumped in the shower, and washing my hair.

Hair washing is a big deal with my to the shoulder blade’s length hair.

Drying the hair takes two to three hours if I let it air dry or ten to fifteen minutes with a blow dryer – which I hate using. I dressed, and it was time to dash out the door and take she who can’t be named on the Internet to lunch with a friend of ours. Both of the ladies and I have lost our spouses to death and cancer. We are all in the eighteen months to five years since our spouse passed time frame.

Lunch With Friends

We met a favorite Greek restaurant in Plano, Texas – Zorbas. I was there from just after 1 PM until I left at 5:30 to go to my Zoom meeting of the 540 Writing Community. The ladies retired to our friend’s house.

After the writing group meeting, I went to our lady friend’s house and visited for another hour.

They enjoyed their favorite adult beverage, made from grapes. I’m a teetotaler and abstain from alcoholic drink. Filling my designated drive role, I drove she who can’t be named on the Internet home before retiring for the evening.

Sleeping late yesterday got me the rest I needed. It did not do any walking or morning writing. As you might have noticed, no writer’s log for yesterday.

Value of Friends Reprised

On Wednesday, I wrote about the value of friends. I’m blessed to have three close male friends, and two other guy friends I know would drop whatever they’re doing if I need them.

As a sixty-nine years old widower, I’m blessed to have a girlfriend – she who can’t be named on the Internet as I call her as she doesn’t want me using her name, likeness or image on the open Internet. I share two other female friends with her. They are like sisters to me. I have a number of lady friends from my online line and local writing groups that from time to time check on me and I see in meetings or at conferences. Additionally, I have my three adult children and their families, plus my vast army of cousins, which I classify as family instead of friends. I am blessed to have these special people in my life. And, I always I room for one more.

Today – June 16th

This morning I got up, dressed, did my RXs, and devotional time and drove to Starbucks where I’m having coffee and writing. Walking at the air-conditioned mall later this morning is on the day’s agenda. We are expecting 100 + F degree weather for today and for at least the next ten days. So I try to walk.

I say try to walk as my right hip is causing me great pain. Watching a couple of videos by physical therapist Bob and Brad on YouTube, which show stretching exercises to help with hip pain, is my first step in resolving the problem. Should I call the rheumatologist and set up an appointment to get some relief? Taht is the question I’m debating.

Reading and a nap are in my afternoon plans. Tonight I am taking she who can’t be named to live community theater.

My rewrites of the recommended edits continue, but are going slow as my motivation is best described as procrastination, where I only do a chapter or two a day instead of knocking it all out in one or two marathon sessions.

And So It Goes

And so it goes.

Well, I wanted to end with “and so it goes” but as I typed the phrase I reflected on Kurt Vonnegut’s “Slaughterhouse-Five” and the phrase. I first read “Slaughterhouse-Five” in 1973, four years after its publication. I was a twenty-year-old university student. Agreeing with writer Salman Rushdie interpretation of the phrase used on Vonnegut’s writing – Rushdie says “so it goes” has become one way in which we verbally shrug our shoulders and accept what life gives us – I see the phrase as more than just accepting what life hands you.

Vonnegut does not use it for that purpose in “Slaughterhouse-Five.”

“So it goes” is not a way of accepting life but, rather, of facing death. It occurs in the text almost every single time someone dies, and only when death is evoked.

I use the phrase as a hybrid of the two, accepting life as it is as I march toward my inevitable death at its unknown future date.

And of course, the selfie is from today.

Writer’s Log – June 13, 2023

The Importance of a Good Writing Area for a Writer: Home Office vs. Coffee Shop

Yes, I’m a Writer

In case you haven’t noticed, I’m a writer. Yes, I confess an addiction to put words in an organized manner of a page. I even sell the collections of words I pen.

Writing Areas

For writers, having a dedicated and comfortable writing area is crucial for fostering creativity, focus, and productivity. A well-designed writing space not only provides a physical space to work but also creates an ambiance that promotes inspiration and concentration. 

Home Office or Coffee Shop Advantages

While both a home office and a coffee shop offer potential writing environments, each has its own unique benefits and drawbacks. In this essay, we will explore the importance of a good writing area and compare the pros and cons of a home office versus a coffee shop for writing.

Ownership and Familiarity

A good writing area provides writers with a sense of ownership and familiarity. 

A home office allows writers to personalize their space according to their preferences, with familiar objects, photographs, or inspirational quotes adorning the walls. This familiarity can create a comfortable and reassuring environment, enhancing one’s creative process. 

On the other hand, coffee shops offer a different kind of atmosphere, often bustling with activity and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Some writers find this ambiance stimulating, as it provides a dynamic backdrop that can inspire new ideas and fresh perspectives.

Facilitates Focus and Minimizes Distractions

A good writing area facilitates focus and minimizes distractions. 

A home office offers the advantage of privacy, allowing writers to shut out external disturbances and immerse themselves in their work. With the ability to control the environment, writers can minimize noise, interruptions, and other distractions that may hinder their concentration. However, a home office may present its own set of distractions, such as household chores, family members, or the temptation to procrastinate. 

In contrast, a coffee shop can provide a semi-public space that naturally limits distractions, as the writer is less likely to be interrupted by domestic responsibilities. The ambient noise in a coffee shop can also act as white noise, helping some writers enter a state of focused flow.

Productivity and Creative Output

A good writing area influences one’s productivity and creative output. 

In a well-organized home office, writers can have easy access to all the resources they need, including reference materials, books, and research documents. This convenience can streamline the writing process, allowing for efficient work and quick reference checks. Additionally, a home office eliminates the time and effort spent commuting to a coffee shop, providing more dedicated writing time. 

Conversely, a coffee shop can offer a change of scenery, which can be especially beneficial for those experiencing writer’s block or feeling uninspired. The lively atmosphere and the presence of other people can inject a sense of energy and motivation into the writing process.

Home Office or Coffee Shop Disadvantages

While both a home office and a coffee shop have their advantages, they also have some drawbacks. 

A home office, for instance, can sometimes become isolating, lacking the social interaction and sense of community that a coffee shop provides. Additionally, the solitude of a home office might result in feelings of loneliness or hinder collaboration opportunities. 

On the other hand, coffee shops may have limited seating availability, noisy patrons, or inconsistent Wi-Fi connections, which can impede productivity and concentration.


In conclusion, a good writing area plays a significant role in a writer’s creative process and overall productivity. Whether it is a home office or a coffee shop, each option offers unique benefits and drawbacks. 

A home office provides familiarity, privacy, and easy access to resources, while a coffee shop offers a dynamic atmosphere and the potential for inspiration. Ultimately, the choice between a home office and a coffee shop depends on individual preferences, working style, and the specific needs of the writer. 

Some writers may thrive in the solitude of a home office, while others may find inspiration in the lively ambiance of a coffee shop. 

The key is to find a writing area that cultivates focus, minimizes distractions, and ultimately fosters a conducive environment for the creative process. 

My Writing Areas Over Time

Starbucks 2023

Jim Kepler in hat at Starbucks
In this photo I am sitting at my writing area at Starbucks.

My writing area at Starbucks

Home office 2023

This is a tour of my bedroom office in The Colony, Texas in June 2023.

Home office 2013

This is a tour of my bedroom office in The Colony, Texas in August 2013.

Writing Life – June 12, 2023

Hey everyone! 🌞✨What’s up, fellow authors? 🖋️📚 Today, I want to talk about what we value as creators. I got this idea from Joanna Penn. I agree with her. There are three amazing Fs that define our author journeys and why most people write. Most writers are motivated by one of the three Fs. They are Freedom, Fame, and Fortune! Let’s dive in and explore each one! 💪🔥


First up, we have Freedom! 🕊️ For some writers the goal is being free. This means breaking free from the day job grind, deciding where we want to live, and choosing when and how we work. It’s all about having enough money to support ourselves and pursuing our passion without limitations. Plus, let’s not forget about being free by maintaining good health by making time for exercise and eating right, so we can continue enjoying life to the fullest even as we get older. We’re in control! 🙌


Next on the list is Fame! 🌟 For some authors it’s all about wanting our work to be recognized and admired. We seek that special place in people’s hearts where our name becomes synonymous with great storytelling. Winning awards and having our creations resonate with readers are the ultimate goals. Let’s make our mark and leave a legacy for generations to come! 💫


And of course, there’s Fortune! 💰💸 Some writers are money driven. Who doesn’t love a little (or a lot) of financial abundance? Some authors aspire to make it rain money, money, money! They want the million dollar book deals and write for the monetary return.  Investing wisely and reaping the rewards of our hard work is the name of the game. They desire more than anything else to create a life of financial stability and abundance, so they focus on what truly matters to them: making money. 💵💼

Of the three Fs, I choose FREEDOM.

99 F degrees = 37.2 C degrees

Speaking of stories, today’s been a hot one! ☀️🔥 In Dallas, we hit a scorching 99 degrees Fahrenheit (that’s a toasty 37.2 degrees Celsius). But fear not! Milestone Electric is coming to my place later today for a preventive maintenance visit, ensuring everything’s running smoothly before the temperature climbs even higher! 🏠⚡

A Tale of Two Tall Blondes

My day started bright and early with the alarm blaring at 7 AM. After taking care of the trash and recycling (gotta stay punctual with the trashcan schedule), I kicked off the morning routine. Meds? Check! Getting dressed? Check! Devotional time? Check! And then, off to my favorite local coffee house where two tall blondes were waiting for me. 😉☕

The first blonde was none other than my beloved blonde roast coffee, my faithful companion in creative endeavors. ☕ The second blonde turned out to be a fascinating woman in her late 40s named Melissa. We struck up a conversation after I helped her retrieve some cash she dropped on the floor. She had a tote bag and on its side was the logo of a software I used to support. Turns out, we both worked on the same software before! She asked two software / development questions to make sure I was being truthful about my background with said software. Good for her for not taking what a guy says as gospel. It’s a small world, right? 🌍

Melissa shared that she’s here at the coffee shop working while her son works out with his friends, preparing for the upcoming football season. We talked about her worries of him getting injured, and I shared my own experience with my son’s knee surgery due to sports. Life’s unpredictable and playing sports is risky.

Curiosity sparked, Melissa said she noticed I wasn’t wearing a wedding ring and asked if I was married. I revealed I was 69 years-old, a widower, and in a committed relationship. She said someone was lucky since I admitted I was in a relationship. She said too many guys would omit that comment. She also said she couldn’t believe my age as I was the same age as her dad! She jokingly mentioned that she thought I was in my early 50s.

Well, thank you for the compliment, Melissa! 😄 I then encouraged her to prioritize self-checks, sharing Miss Benita’s melanoma cancer story. I shared how Benita and my faith in God and our Christian beliefs were a source of strength for both of us during the cancer journey. 🙏

As I headed to my writing spot, Melissa bid me farewell, she said she’ll see me again tomorrow and to please say hello. She settled at a table halfway across the room, and I couldn’t help but appreciate the connection made with a stranger. It’s true what they say: I rarely meet someone I can’t have a meaningful conversation with! 🗣️

All right, time to get down to business! It’s writing / rewriting time, my friends! 📝✨ I’m back to my recommended rewrites.

I hope you all have an incredible day filled with opportunities to explore and create. Keep chasing those dreams and making magic with your words! You’ve got this! 💫🔥

Writing Life – June 9, 2023

Jimmie Kepler wearing a Stetson straw fedora while sitting in Starbucks.

Overcoming Writing Challenges


It was 7:40 AM this morning, when I found myself standing in front of the bathroom scales, staring at the digital printout. It revealed an unwelcome truth: I had gained 1.1 pounds since yesterday’s weigh-in. Frustration welled up inside me as I muttered under my breath, recounting the 4.1 miles and 11,369 steps I had taken the day before. Despite my efforts, the weight refused to budge, leaving me questioning my abilities and wondering what was wrong with me.

This momentary setback reminded me of the work in progress book awaiting my attention, with edits and rewrites that had been looming for almost forty-five days. In the face of this writing challenge, I found myself constantly distracted by other tasks, evading the completion of my book.

However, I knew deep down that it was time to confront my fears and regain my focus.

1. The Struggle of Writing:

Writing, as an art form, is no stranger to struggle. Even for seasoned writers, taking the next step can be arduous, despite knowing exactly what that step entails.

The process is often marked by self-doubt, uncertainty, and a fear of failure. In my case, the current challenge was completing the rewrites for my book, a task that should only require six hours of dedicated work.

However, there was an inexplicable fear that held me back, preventing me from taking the leap and finishing what I had started.

2. The Temptation of Distractions:

To compound matters, I discovered that distractions easily found their way into my writing routine. Each morning, as I sat down at my computer here at my local coffee shop, I found myself drawn to writing my daily writer’s log or checking the stock market and my financials.

While these tasks had their own importance, they took precedence over the crucial edits and rewrites that my book demanded. Reflecting on this, I realized that my fear of completing the book and putting it out into the world may have contributed to my subconscious preference for these distractions.

The allure of familiarity and comfort prevented me from facing the unknown terrain of completing my manuscript.

3. The Culprit: Life’s Demands:

Blaming life became my go-to excuse for my writing struggles. Amidst the daily responsibilities, obligations, and unexpected challenges that life throws our way, it is easy to lose sight of our goals.

Writing, an intensely personal and creative endeavor, often takes a backseat as we prioritize the demands of our professional and personal lives. While it is essential to strike a balance, it is equally crucial to acknowledge that life’s challenges should not hinder our progress. Instead, they should serve as catalysts for finding renewed determination and motivation.

4. Embracing the Solution:

Confronted with these realizations, I knew it was time for a change. I made a conscious decision to cease typing my thoughts and go straight to the rewrites that awaited me. The thought of completing even a single chapter today filled me with a newfound sense of determination.

I reminded myself that progress is often achieved one step at a time, one chapter at a time. The task of completing twenty chapters seemed less daunting when broken down into manageable increments of fifteen minutes per chapter.

With the end of the month as my deadline, I took a deep breath and reaffirmed my belief in my ability to overcome this challenge.


Writing, like any creative pursuit, is fraught with challenges. It demands perseverance, focus, and an unwavering belief in oneself. By acknowledging and addressing the obstacles that impede our progress, we can navigate the treacherous path of creation more effectively.

Although fear and distractions may threaten to derail our endeavors, it is through embracing these challenges head-on that we find the strength to persevere. As I embarked on my rewrites, I realized that completing a book requires discipline, dedication, and a willingness to confront our inner doubts. With each chapter I completed, I inched closer to my goal.

The journey may be difficult, but armed with determination and a commitment to take it one step at a time, success is within reach.

My guess is you face similar challenges. 

Writing Life – June 8, 2023

Jimmie Kepler holding CS Lewis classic spiritual books bookset.

Hey everyone. Happy Thursday. Let’s make it a terrific day! 🎉 It’s June 8th, and I’m feeling fantastic! Here’s a glimpse of my day so far:

Started the morning with my usual routine of taking my RXs and spending some peaceful time with my devotional. ✨ It’s important to start the day on a positive note!

I had an exciting moment of financial responsibility by making a deposit to my bank savings account as some money I was owed showed up – as they say they check was in the mail.  💰 It’s always great to see those savings grow! I like collecting money more than spending it. Sigh – I paid my quarterly federal taxes yesterday, so on the ledger it’s like a wash or break even.

Then, I hopped into my car and drove to my favorite local coffee house ☕️ to get my caffeine fix. Nothing beats the aroma of freshly brewed coffee in the morning!

Now, I’m diving into some productive writing and editing tasks. 📝 There’s something satisfying about polishing your work and making it shine!

Later in the morning, I’ll be delving back into the enchanting world of “The Lord of the Rings” by J.R.R. Tolkien. 🧙‍♂️ Can’t wait to get lost in the epic adventure once again!

Afterwards, I’ll be heading to the mall for my daily walk. 🏃‍♀️ It’s a great way to stay active and enjoy some window shopping at the same time!

In the afternoon, I’m continuing my reading journey with “The Screwtape Letters” by C.S. Lewis. 📚 It’s fascinating to explore the intricate depths of Lewis’s mind! I’m reading through the spiritual classics of C.S. Lewis (see today’selfie). 📚

I also have more exciting things to work on today, like more government paperwork preparing for my trans-pacific cruise. 🚢 Adventure awaits!

Yesterday, I had a major win by securing my assigned seats on a Quantas Airlines flight from Sydney, Australia back to LAX for a November trip. I got an aisle seat close to the restroom – both are important for me and especially since I’ll on the plane over sixteen hours. ✈️ The excitement is building up!

Later tonight, I’ll be joining a refreshing Bible Study Magazine session via Zoom. 📖 It’s always inspiring to connect with others and grow in faith together. The group is an important part of my writing family and my personal spiritual growth.

Before I doze off, I’ll be indulging in some captivating bedtime reading with “Madly, Deeply” by Alan Rickman. 🌙 It’s like having a personal conversation with the amazing actor himself! Don’t know Alan Rickman? He was the villain in the first Die Hard movie and Snape in the Harry Potter movies plus many more movies and plays.

Remember, folks, have an amazing day and strive to make a positive impact on someone’s life. Let the light of Jesus shine through you, and spread that love and positivity! ✨❤️ Let’s make the world a better place together!

Writer’s Log – June 5, 2023

Hey everyone, it’s Monday, June 5, 2023, and I’m currently chilling at my favorite local Starbucks! Can you believe I slept in so late today? 😱 I hit the hay around midnight, but my alarm clock rudely woke me up at 7:00 AM to take out the trash and recycling. Gotta do our part to save the Earth, right? ♻️ After that, I couldn’t resist crawling back into bed and ended up waking up at 11:30 AM. Guess I really needed that extra shut-eye!

So instead of dealing with the usual morning traffic, I had to navigate through lunchtime traffic on my way to this coffee paradise. At least the midday drivers seem more awake and less grumpy! 😄 I ordered my go-to cup of Pike Place coffee (no blonde available after 11 AM, boohoo), found a cozy spot, and kicked off my day by doing my morning devotion. Gotta start the day on a positive note, right?

After that, I spent some time setting up two-factor authentication for Twitter using Google Authentication for iOS. Apparently, Twitter now wants us to have a paid account to use two-factor SMS authentication. Oh well (greedy Elon Musk), better safe than sorry, especially when I’m working on my laptop in coffee shops. I always make sure to use a virtual private network (VPN) for extra security online. The one I use is VPN by Google One, a super reliable app by Google/Alphabet.

To set the mood, I’ve got some fantastic “Happy Summer Morning & Relaxing Jazz Instrumental Music at Coffee Shop Ambience for Working, Studying” playing in the background. It’s perfect for creating a relaxed atmosphere. If you’re interested, you can check it out at this YouTube link: [insert link here] 🎶

Alright, time to dive into some writing and then tackle a bunch of errands. My to-do list is jam-packed today, but I’m ready to conquer it all! 💪 By the way, I’m thrilled to announce that Operation Bye, Bye AT&T Uverse is officially complete! I finally got rid of my cable and switched to AT&T Fiber Optic and streaming services. Huge shoutout to Jason and Andy for making it happen. You guys rock! 🙌

On a side note, I went for a five mile walk yesterday and ended up with a couple of blisters on my feet and toes. Ouch! It’s so uncomfortable, but it’s weird because I never used to get blisters when I was an infantryman in the US Army and walked for a living. Oh well, the joys of civilian life, huh? 😅

There’s still so much on my plate, and I can’t believe it’s already past noon. Time really flies! Anyway, wishing you all an absolutely fabulous and magical Monday. Let’s make the most of it and spread some positivity! ✨💖

Writer’s Log – June 4, 2023

🌟✨ It’s a spectacular Sunday! 🌞💃 The date is June 4, 2023. I always write the day, date, and year just to make sure I’m on track, haha! 😄

Yesterday was a scorcher! 🔥🌡️ The weather person predicted 82°F, but we soared up to a humid 88°F! ☀️💦 The rain was dancing around everywhere except where I was. Today, they’re saying we’ll have upper 80s with a lower chance of rain. Fingers crossed! 🤞🌧️

Exciting news! 🎉🛫 I just booked my flight back to DFW and the USA from Sydney, Australia! 🇺🇸✈️ I’ll be spending five amazing nights in Sydney this November. After a month of exploring Hawaii, French Polynesia, Tahiti, Pago Pago, American Samoa, and New Zealand, my trans-Pacific cruise will end in Sydney. I can’t wait. It is a #bucketlisttrip! 😍🌏

Last night, I had a blast watching hours of YouTube videos about Sydney, Australia and all the fantastic things to do there. I feel like I know so much about the city, yet there’s still so much more to learn! Seems they have beaches, museums, parks, and lots of food.📺📚

Guess what I did this morning? You got it! After showering and washing my hair, shaving, dressing, and taking my RX’s, I hopped in the car and drove straight to Starbucks for my much-needed dose of coffee and writing time. ☕️📝 Gotta get that word count in before church and Bible study! 📖🙏 Currently, I’m jamming to the Precious Memories Collection by Alan Jackson. 🎶 For those who don’t know, Mr. Jackson is a fantastic country singer, and this collection consists of those classic church hymns that still give me goosebumps when we sing them at church. 🎵❤️

My agenda for today is packed! I’ll be attempting to apply online for my travel visa to New Zealand and Australia. 🌍✈️ No time like the present to get it done, right? I’ll also check in on NASCAR because, let’s go #8 Kyle Busch and Richard Childress Racing! 🏎️💨

Getting my steps in is a must today. When I don’t hit my 10,000 steps, I tend to gain weight instead of maintaining it. As the doctor says, “Eat less, exercise more!” 💪🥗 And as the Apostle Paul says in the Bible, “The things I know I should do, I don’t, and the things I know I shouldn’t do, I do.” 🍦🍿 Bad ice cream and tempting popcorn, why must you be so delicious?

I’ve got some extra editing to tackle today. I’m a bit behind on my goal of completing the recommended edits, but I’m determined to catch up. The book on Hope is still set for release this month, as long as I finish up and send everything back to the publisher. 📚✍️

Somewhere in my busy day, I’ll make sure to dive into the world of J.R.R. Tolkien and Lord of the Rings. Just ten to fifteen minutes a day to get lost in the magic! 🧙‍♂️📖

This evening, I’ll have a tough choice to make: swimming or visiting with “she who can’t be named on the Internet.” 😄🏊‍♀️👵 I’ll probably end up visiting her son, daughter-in-law, and adorable grandchildren. Can’t resist family time!

What are you doing to make your Sunday spectacular? Don’t forget to include the Lord in your day! 🙌❤️

#SpectacularSunday #June4th2023 #BlessedSunday #SydneyBound #CoffeeLover #SundayAgenda #FitAndActive #WritingGoals #NASCARFan #Bookworm #FamilyTime

Writer’s Log – June 2, 2023

🌟 Hey there, fabulous friends! It’s finally Friday, June 2, 2023, and the energy is electric! ⚡️ I woke up this morning to a toasty 80 degrees Fahrenheit, but in Texas, we call that “preheating for summer”! 🔥 Can you feel the heat, y’all?

💪 Let me tell you, yesterday was a total productivity party! 🎉 I tackled my to-do list like a boss and conquered ten tasks! Who’s got the productivity crown? This guy right here! 👑

🎬 Last night, I caught the premiere of the mind-blowing UFO disclosure movie, “Accidental Truth: UFO Revelations”! 🛸 The tagline says it all: “The truth can no longer be contained!” Can you believe it? Those “in the know” who interact with the public are finally opening up about what they know. Little green men or not, I’ve witnessed some mind-boggling unexplained phenomena myself, like the mesmerizing Marfa Lights! 🌠

⏰ Today has been a whirlwind of activity already! I started my day with a dose of my morning RXs, followed by some peaceful devotional time. Then, I dropped off my clothes at the cleaners before meeting up with my buddy, Dan Webster, for a delightful lunch at 1 PM. 🥪 He and his wife are part of my trans-Pacific traveling party this fall.

☕️ Right now, I’m at my favorite spot, Starbucks, sipping on my morning coffee and getting my creative juices flowing. Gotta hit that daily word count, am I right? ✍️

🚶‍♀️ Later on, I’m planning to get my steps in and go for a refreshing walk. It’s all about staying active and feeling alive, my friends! 💃

🔌 Big news! AT&T Uverse is upgrading my Internet today to lightning-fast fiber optics! 🚀 Fingers crossed they don’t play hooky. Though I’ve received mixed email and text messages confirming and saying they may need to reschedule, so who knows? We’ll see if they make it happen! 💻

⛈️ Oh, and keep your eyes on the sky because thunderstorms might crash the party later tonight! If they make an appearance, I’ll cozy up and enjoy a fantastic movie night. If not, it’s all about splashing around in the pool and rocking those water aerobics moves! 💦

✨ Remember, my friends, every day is an opportunity to spread joy and radiate sunshine! ☀️ Be that person who brightens everyone’s day, the one everyone is thrilled to see. Let’s make it a phenomenal day! 🌈💖

Writer’s Log, June 1, 2023

Hey there, lovely people! 🌟 It’s June 1, 2023, and guess what? I’m super excited because in just 129 days, I’ll be embarking on a fantastic trans-pacific cruise! 🚢🌊 Can you believe it? This has been on my bucket list forever, and I can’t wait for the adventure to begin!

Let me give you a little sneak peek of the cruise itinerary. We’ll be starting in the vibrant city of Los Angeles, then sailing off to breathtaking destinations like Hawaii, Tahiti, and French Polynesia. Oh, la la! 😍 After that, we’ll make a stop at Pago Pago in American Samoa before heading to the stunning landscapes of New Zealand and Australia. Twenty-nine days of pure bliss! And you know what’s even better? I’ll be spending a few extra days exploring Australia before heading back home. 🐨✈️

Today’s photo is a gorgeous stock image from the stunning paradise of Tahiti, which is part of French Polynesia. Fun fact: you don’t need a visa for stays up to 90 days in Tahiti, but make sure you have your passport ready to go! 🏝️🛂

Now, when it comes to American Samoa, lucky for us Americans, no visa is required. Just don’t forget to pack that passport of yours! As for New Zealand and Australia, passports and visas are a must. Time to get that paperwork sorted ASAP, my friends! 🗺️🛃

But enough about travel logistics. Let’s talk about what’s been happening lately. On Wednesday, I had the most amazing time hanging out with my good friend Les. We indulged in a delicious lunch and took a lovely stroll at North Park Center. And guess what? We even met up with my mysterious friend, who shall remain nameless on the internet, for some mouthwatering Mexican food at one of my all-time favorite restaurants. Good times, good company! 🌮❤️

This morning, I treated myself to a bit of extra sleep since I stayed up until midnight. Rise and shine happened just after eight AM. After taking care of some chores around the house and getting the trash out, I made my way to Starbucks for my much-needed cuppa. ☕

To kickstart my day, I completed my morning devotional, and I’ve been jamming to uplifting Christian music on The Prestonwood Worship channel on YouTube. Seriously, you’ve got to check it out! Here’s the link: https://www.youtube.com/@PrestonwoodWorship/videos 🎶✨

My to-do list is bursting with tasks today, but I won’t bore you with all the details. Let’s just say it involves some walking, reading, and tackling the routine stuff that comes with life. Gotta stay productive, right? 💪📚

Before I wrap up, I want to take a moment to send out some prayers and good vibes to all the incredible attendees of the Blue Ridge Christian Writer conference. As they head home with newfound knowledge, hopes, and dreams, I pray for their safety and that they have the courage to pursue the amazing opportunities they encountered at the conference. You’ve got this, writers! 🙏✍️

Alrighty, folks, it’s time for me to dive into my morning writing session. Thanks for joining me on this little update. Stay tuned for more adventures, fun stories, and positivity coming your way! Until next time! 😄🌈

Writer’s Log, May 30, 2023

Hey there! 😄 It’s May 30, 2023, and the Memorial Day weekend was off the charts! 🎉 Those pool parties were epic, but whoa, I’m seriously wiped out! Hanging with friends was a blast, but now I’m in desperate need of some quality alone time to recharge. 😴 Plus, there’s a mountain of cleaning waiting for me. Ugh, the struggle is real!

Last night, I hit the hay at 10:30 pm, but guess what? 😮 I woke up at 3 am! It was like my sleep took a detour or something. But thanks to my trusty melatonin, I managed to drift back into dreamland around 6 am. #SleepIssues 😴💤 Maybe I was mourning my Dallas Stars losing and their season coming to an end. Just saying. 😔

Anyway, I made my way to Starbucks, and I’m currently sipping on a delightful tall blonde roast coffee. ☕️ Ahh, the perfect pick-me-up! Later today, I’ve got an appointment with the allergist for a reassessment. 🤧 But before that, I’m planning to take a nice walk and dive into J.R.R. Tolkien’s masterpiece, “The Fellowship of the Ring.” So much more to discover in the book compared to the epic but long movie! 📚 And you know what? I might even sneak in a quick power nap. Gotta recharge those batteries, ya know? 😉💪

By the way, what’s going on with you? Share your story! 👋😊 #ChillTime #CoffeeLover #Bookworm