Robert Frost on Poetry

A poem is born from the depths of raw emotion—a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, homesickness, or lovesickness. Robert Frost, the celebrated poet and only four time Pulitzer Prize in Poetry winner, eloquently captures this essence. These profound feelings ignite the spark of creativity, transforming our deepest emotions into powerful, evocative verses.

When we experience a lump in the throat, it signals an overwhelming emotion that demands expression. It could be an unspoken truth or a poignant moment that touches the core of our being. This intense sensation often becomes the seed of a poem, urging us to put pen to paper.

A sense of wrong, on the other hand, stirs a desire to address injustices or express dissent. It’s a powerful motivator, pushing us to articulate our thoughts and feelings about the world around us. This drive can lead to some of the most compelling and thought-provoking poetry.

Homesickness and lovesickness are universal experiences that resonate deeply with many. The longing for home or a loved one can be profoundly moving, providing rich material for poetic exploration. These emotions are timeless, connecting readers and writers across generations and cultures.

Embrace these moments of intense emotion, for they are the seeds of poetic inspiration. Allow your feelings to flow onto the page, transforming your experiences into verses that capture the essence of your journey.

In this way, poetry becomes a powerful outlet for our innermost thoughts and feelings, allowing us to share our unique perspectives with the world.

Robert Frost on Poetry

Sylvia Plath on Creativity

Crush the barriers of self-doubt and unleash your creativity! Sylvia Plath’s words resonate deeply, reminding us that doubt can stifle the spark of imagination.
So, silence the whispers of uncertainty and believe in the boundless potential within you. Embrace the unique visions and ideas that stir in your soul, for they are the essence of your creative journey.
Let each stroke of your pen or brush be a declaration of confidence, a defiance against doubt’s grip. Trust in your abilities, trust in your voice, and watch as your creativity soars to new heights.
Remember, you are a vessel of inspiration, capable of shaping worlds with your imagination.
Sylvia Plath on Creativity

Anne Lamott On Writing

Embrace the journey of writing, imperfections and all!

Anne Lamott’s wisdom in “Bird by Bird” reminds us that every writer, no matter how seasoned, has faced the fear of writing poorly. So, banish the hesitation, silence the inner critic, and simply begin.

Trust that with each word you pen, the path will unfold, leading you to unexpected treasures of creativity and insight. Remember, it’s in the act of writing, in the courage to start despite doubts, that the magic truly happens.

So, let your words flow freely, knowing that within them lies the power to inspire, to provoke thought, and to transform lives.


Creative Expression Reflects God’s Glory

Let your creative expression shine forth as a reflection of God’s glory!

Rooted in the belief that every talent and ability is a divine gift, Christians find inspiration in 1 Corinthians 10:31. Just as the heavens declare the glory of God, so too does your creativity serve as a testament to His greatness.

Whether through art, music, writing, or any other form of expression, each stroke of brilliance echoes His magnificence. As you cultivate and share your unique talents, you become a vessel through which His splendor is revealed to the world.

So, embrace your creativity wholeheartedly, knowing that in every creation, you are reflecting the beauty and wonder of the Creator Himself.

1 Corinthians 10:31 KJV, “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.”



What is the Essence of Creativity?

Embrace the divine essence of creativity!

Rooted in the belief that we are crafted in the image of a creative God, Christians find inspiration in Genesis 1:27. Just as the Creator fashioned the universe with boundless imagination, so too are we endowed with the power to shape our worlds through creativity.

Let this understanding fuel your artistic endeavors, infusing every stroke of your pen or brush with the divine spark within you. As you harness this sacred gift, remember that your creations have the potential to reflect the beauty and wonder of the Creator Himself.

So, let your creativity flow freely, honoring the source from which it springs and illuminating the world with its radiance.

Genesis 1:27, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”

Creativity is a Divine Gift: Christians believe that creativity stems from being made in the image of a creative God who designed the universe from Genesis 1:27 in the Old Testament of the Bible

Joanna Penn on Writing

Don’t wait for inspiration; create it!  Let Joanna Penn’s wisdom ignite your creative flame.

The Muse doesn’t linger in the realm of wishes but eagerly awaits you in the act of creation. So, don’t hesitate, don’t procrastinate; pick up your pen and start writing.

Every word you craft, every sentence you mold, beckons her closer, ready to infuse your work with magic. Embrace the journey of creation, knowing that with each stroke, you draw closer to your artistic destiny.

Let your imagination soar, let your ideas flow, and let the Muse guide you on this enchanting voyage of storytelling.

Joan Didion on Writing

Why do you write?

Author Joan Didion says, “I write nonfiction to share my inner most thoughts on how I’ve navigated life’s challenges. I write fiction to imagine and create new worlds, characters, and narratives. I write poetry because I simply must.”

Like Joan Didion, I write simply because I must.

Wordsworth on Writing

Let your pen dance to the rhythm of your soul! Embrace the words that spring from within and paint your paper with the vibrant hues of your heart’s whispers.

William Wordsworth reminds us that our truest writing comes from the depths of our being.

So, let your creativity soar and let your story unfold!

C.S. Lewis on Writing

Let’s take a moment to remember the timeless wisdom of C.S. Lewis: ‘Write what you need to write, not what is currently popular or what you think will sell.’

Let your words flow from your heart, your passions, and your truths. Don’t be swayed by trends or commercial interests.

Embrace the authenticity of your voice and the power of your unique perspective. Your genuine expression will resonate far beyond fleeting trends.

Einstein on Creativity

Embrace the boundless realm of creativity! Let these words of Albert Einstein ignite the spark within you.

In a world filled with endless perspectives, true creativity lies in your ability to perceive the ordinary in extraordinary ways. Don’t be afraid to wander off the beaten path of conventional thinking; let your imagination soar and your ideas flourish in uncharted territories.

Your unique vision has the power to unveil wonders unseen and inspire minds anew. So, dare to dream, dare to innovate, and let your creativity illuminate the world! And who knows, someone may think you’re as smart as Albert Einstein.