Writer’s Log – June 18, 2023 – USA Father’s Day

Jim Kepler in straw hat at coffee house

Father’s Day

I hope this post finds you well. Today is Sunday, June 18, 2023, and it’s Father’s Day here in the United States. I received some lovely Father’s Day greetings from two of my three adult children via text, which was a nice surprise to start the day. The third is out of country and posted Father’s Day greeting from Lima, Peru.

Leg Pain

As usual, I took my morning prescriptions, but I’ve been experiencing some discomfort in my lower right leg for the past few months. The pain is below the knee and above the ankle on the front of the leg, and it seems to be getting worse lately.

I suspect it’s tendonitis caused by one of my heart medications. To see if the medication is indeed the culprit, I decided to stop taking it for a few days. I plan to reach out to my cardiologist’s office to discuss this issue further.

Joint Pain

On top of the leg pain, I’ve been dealing with joint pain throughout my body, which has been quite intense, ranking at an 8 or 9 on a scale of 1 to 10. Unfortunately, joint pain is another side effect of the medication I’ve been taking. 

Despite the discomfort, I’ve been trying my best to tolerate it, as my heart doctor suggested, because this medication has been effective in managing my high cholesterol and triglyceride levels. I’ve been on these medications since November last year, and with each passing day and month, the pain and side effects seem to worsen. In an attempt to find some relief, I’ve been regularly elevating and icing my leg four times a day.

Virgil Cane

Getting around has become quite challenging, and I find that I can’t walk without my trusty cane. I’ve given my cane a name—Virgil. It’s a bit of a nod to an old song called “The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down” by The Band and Joan Baez. Perhaps you remember it too if you’re around my age.

Despite these difficulties, I managed to get out of bed, get dressed, and take my medications. I drove to the coffee house, and there was a friendly tall blonde barista waiting to serve me a tall blonde roast coffee. I ordered my drink and settled down at the handicap table to do some morning writing before heading to church and my Bible fellowship class.

It still hot and humid outside but cool enough inside I I grabbed my hoodie to keep the chill away.

Grocery Shopping

In the afternoon, I plan to do some grocery shopping, catch up on my reading, maybe nap, and then participate in a water aerobics session in the pool. That’s pretty much the extent of my plans for the day.

Remember Your Father

I hope you’re having a wonderful day, and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Remember your father on this father’s day. If you still have him at least call or text and send your love. If he’s deceased reflect on the good memories. If you’re a dad, think of your children, that your wife for he gift of the children, and tank your heavenly Father for the gift of His son, Jesus.

Take care. I send my warm regards to everyone. Keep on smiling.

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