Writer’s Log – June 20, 2023

Dr Jim Kepler

Welcome to “It’s Never Too Late: Uncovering the Magic of Writing After Sixty, ” I’m Dr. Jimmie Aaron Kepler, Christian nonfiction author and poet. This is my writer’s log for June 20, 2023! Today, I’m writing about embracing the Texas heat as I maintain a life of writing.

Weather is Preheating for the Summer

I find myself comfortably seated in one of my cherished coffee shops in the Dallas area. With the scorching heat outside, reaching a staggering 99 degrees Fahrenheit yesterday, and an even hotter day predicted today, it’s safe to say that summer has officially arrived in Texas.

We Texans humorously refer to this weather phenomenon as “preheating for summer.”

Walking Routine Moves to the Indoor Treadmill

My day began bright and early, long before my visit to Starbucks. Rising at 7:00 AM, I followed my morning routine: weighing myself, getting dressed, taking my prescribed medications, and then heading out to the nearby fitness center. Being a retiree who has embraced writing as my post-retirement career, regular exercise is essential for maintaining my health.

The soaring temperatures have led me to opt for indoor activities, so I engaged in my daily walking routine within the air-conditioned fitness club. This morning, as I embarked on my walk, the thermometer displayed a sweltering 86 degrees Fahrenheit, with a heat index exceeding 105 degrees Fahrenheit.

The Six Figure Author Podcast

I strolled at a moderate pace of 2.0 mph, dedicating 30 minutes to this crucial physical activity. To make the most of my time, I listened to a podcast called “The Six Figure Author Podcast” hosted by Lindsay Buroker, one of my favorite authors and an online acquaintance. 

Lindsay is among the select group of authors who earn an impressive seven-figure annual income. 

During my 30-minute walk, I managed to cover a mile while absorbing valuable insights on the craft and business of writing. A key point of the podcast was the value of persistence and the need to finish what you start when writing.

After completing my walk, I allowed myself a five-minute cool-down period before tidying up the equipment and practicing proper hygiene measures by washing my hands. 

The I returned home to collect my computer bag and electronic coffee tumbler in tow, I made my way back home, ready to dive into my writing tasks.


Yesterday, I had a visit with my cardiologist and informed the nurse about my concerns regarding leg, joint, and muscle cramping. 

Before contacting the cardiologist, I decided to stop taking the prescribed medications as of last Friday. I communicated my actions to the doctor, also inquiring about potential adjustments to the dosage, such as taking only half or every other day. Since stopping, I noticing a significant reduction in my tendonitis and joint pain.  

My next appointment with him is scheduled for July 18, giving me ample time to receive his professional guidance.

Writer’s Guild of Texas

Last night, I had the pleasure of attending the monthly meeting of the Writer’s Guild of Texas, and it turned out to be the best meeting I’ve experienced so far. The session on characters and dialogue, expertly led by Brooke Fossey, captivated the audience. 

I was familiar with Brooke from our mutual involvement with the DFW Writer’s Workshop, where she began attending shortly before my hiatus from the group. 

Her writer’s biography is truly remarkable, as she transitioned from being an aerospace engineer with a secret clearance to a devoted mother and writer. She holds the distinction of being a past president and an honorary lifetime member of the DFW Writers’ Workshop. Her work has been featured in prestigious publications like Ruminate Magazine and SmokeLong Quarterly. Brooke’s debut novel, “The Big Finish,” published by Penguin/Berkley – Piper/Pendo, has garnered well-deserved attention. When not writing, she resides in Dallas, Texas, with her husband, four children, and their delightful dog, Rufus. Interestingly, she still occasionally indulges in math as a way to unwind. 

After the meeting, Brooke and I spoke. She kindly offered to let me join her and another woman to ride share to the weekly DFW Writer’s Workshop, if I decided to return to the group.

Late Night Swim

Upon returning home, I indulged in a refreshing dip in the pool around 10 PM, despite the lingering heat of 98 degrees Fahrenheit. 

For two blissful hours, I floated and engaged in low-impact water exercises, stimulating my legs and feet. 

To round off the evening, I treated myself to a delightful midnight ice cream cone before retiring to bed at 12:45 AM, sleeping soundly throughout the night.

Back to Today’s Activities

Now, as I conclude this blog post, I look forward to heading home, taking a refreshing shower, enjoying a meal, and later in the afternoon, attending my allergy shot appointment. 

Following that, I’ll return to the fitness club for a second walk on the treadmill. While I may not reach the goal of walking five miles, managing two miles a day at 69 years old, with troublesome hips and high blood pressure, feels like quite an accomplishment. 

I ensure that my walks remain low-impact, taking care of my physical well-being. I hope to convince my writing companion, affectionately referred to as “she who can’t be named on the Internet,” to join me on these walks.


As the day progresses, I’ll pack a small overnight bag in preparation for my mid-afternoon departure to Gonzales, Texas on Wednesday. 

I’m already eagerly anticipating a stop at the famous Buc-ee’s in Temple, Texas, known for its vast array of snacks and refreshments.

Time to Write

I’ve met another new friend at the coffee house. She’s sat beside me the last couple of mornings. Her name is Karen and in my age range. She’s an attorney. She represented my former day job (IB) from 1990 to 1996 when the added in house legal counsel. She comes her around 10:30 everyday and works her crossword puzzle and then reads.

With my rewrites and editing beckoning, it’s time for me to bid you farewell. May you have a productive and enjoyable Tuesday, and remember to embrace your passions, savor life’s moments, and keep writing. Keep on smiling.

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