Writing Life – June 9, 2023

Jimmie Kepler wearing a Stetson straw fedora while sitting in Starbucks.

Overcoming Writing Challenges


It was 7:40 AM this morning, when I found myself standing in front of the bathroom scales, staring at the digital printout. It revealed an unwelcome truth: I had gained 1.1 pounds since yesterday’s weigh-in. Frustration welled up inside me as I muttered under my breath, recounting the 4.1 miles and 11,369 steps I had taken the day before. Despite my efforts, the weight refused to budge, leaving me questioning my abilities and wondering what was wrong with me.

This momentary setback reminded me of the work in progress book awaiting my attention, with edits and rewrites that had been looming for almost forty-five days. In the face of this writing challenge, I found myself constantly distracted by other tasks, evading the completion of my book.

However, I knew deep down that it was time to confront my fears and regain my focus.

1. The Struggle of Writing:

Writing, as an art form, is no stranger to struggle. Even for seasoned writers, taking the next step can be arduous, despite knowing exactly what that step entails.

The process is often marked by self-doubt, uncertainty, and a fear of failure. In my case, the current challenge was completing the rewrites for my book, a task that should only require six hours of dedicated work.

However, there was an inexplicable fear that held me back, preventing me from taking the leap and finishing what I had started.

2. The Temptation of Distractions:

To compound matters, I discovered that distractions easily found their way into my writing routine. Each morning, as I sat down at my computer here at my local coffee shop, I found myself drawn to writing my daily writer’s log or checking the stock market and my financials.

While these tasks had their own importance, they took precedence over the crucial edits and rewrites that my book demanded. Reflecting on this, I realized that my fear of completing the book and putting it out into the world may have contributed to my subconscious preference for these distractions.

The allure of familiarity and comfort prevented me from facing the unknown terrain of completing my manuscript.

3. The Culprit: Life’s Demands:

Blaming life became my go-to excuse for my writing struggles. Amidst the daily responsibilities, obligations, and unexpected challenges that life throws our way, it is easy to lose sight of our goals.

Writing, an intensely personal and creative endeavor, often takes a backseat as we prioritize the demands of our professional and personal lives. While it is essential to strike a balance, it is equally crucial to acknowledge that life’s challenges should not hinder our progress. Instead, they should serve as catalysts for finding renewed determination and motivation.

4. Embracing the Solution:

Confronted with these realizations, I knew it was time for a change. I made a conscious decision to cease typing my thoughts and go straight to the rewrites that awaited me. The thought of completing even a single chapter today filled me with a newfound sense of determination.

I reminded myself that progress is often achieved one step at a time, one chapter at a time. The task of completing twenty chapters seemed less daunting when broken down into manageable increments of fifteen minutes per chapter.

With the end of the month as my deadline, I took a deep breath and reaffirmed my belief in my ability to overcome this challenge.


Writing, like any creative pursuit, is fraught with challenges. It demands perseverance, focus, and an unwavering belief in oneself. By acknowledging and addressing the obstacles that impede our progress, we can navigate the treacherous path of creation more effectively.

Although fear and distractions may threaten to derail our endeavors, it is through embracing these challenges head-on that we find the strength to persevere. As I embarked on my rewrites, I realized that completing a book requires discipline, dedication, and a willingness to confront our inner doubts. With each chapter I completed, I inched closer to my goal.

The journey may be difficult, but armed with determination and a commitment to take it one step at a time, success is within reach.

My guess is you face similar challenges. 

Writing Life – June 8, 2023

Jimmie Kepler holding CS Lewis classic spiritual books bookset.

Hey everyone. Happy Thursday. Let’s make it a terrific day! 🎉 It’s June 8th, and I’m feeling fantastic! Here’s a glimpse of my day so far:

Started the morning with my usual routine of taking my RXs and spending some peaceful time with my devotional. ✨ It’s important to start the day on a positive note!

I had an exciting moment of financial responsibility by making a deposit to my bank savings account as some money I was owed showed up – as they say they check was in the mail.  💰 It’s always great to see those savings grow! I like collecting money more than spending it. Sigh – I paid my quarterly federal taxes yesterday, so on the ledger it’s like a wash or break even.

Then, I hopped into my car and drove to my favorite local coffee house ☕️ to get my caffeine fix. Nothing beats the aroma of freshly brewed coffee in the morning!

Now, I’m diving into some productive writing and editing tasks. 📝 There’s something satisfying about polishing your work and making it shine!

Later in the morning, I’ll be delving back into the enchanting world of “The Lord of the Rings” by J.R.R. Tolkien. 🧙‍♂️ Can’t wait to get lost in the epic adventure once again!

Afterwards, I’ll be heading to the mall for my daily walk. 🏃‍♀️ It’s a great way to stay active and enjoy some window shopping at the same time!

In the afternoon, I’m continuing my reading journey with “The Screwtape Letters” by C.S. Lewis. 📚 It’s fascinating to explore the intricate depths of Lewis’s mind! I’m reading through the spiritual classics of C.S. Lewis (see today’selfie). 📚

I also have more exciting things to work on today, like more government paperwork preparing for my trans-pacific cruise. 🚢 Adventure awaits!

Yesterday, I had a major win by securing my assigned seats on a Quantas Airlines flight from Sydney, Australia back to LAX for a November trip. I got an aisle seat close to the restroom – both are important for me and especially since I’ll on the plane over sixteen hours. ✈️ The excitement is building up!

Later tonight, I’ll be joining a refreshing Bible Study Magazine session via Zoom. 📖 It’s always inspiring to connect with others and grow in faith together. The group is an important part of my writing family and my personal spiritual growth.

Before I doze off, I’ll be indulging in some captivating bedtime reading with “Madly, Deeply” by Alan Rickman. 🌙 It’s like having a personal conversation with the amazing actor himself! Don’t know Alan Rickman? He was the villain in the first Die Hard movie and Snape in the Harry Potter movies plus many more movies and plays.

Remember, folks, have an amazing day and strive to make a positive impact on someone’s life. Let the light of Jesus shine through you, and spread that love and positivity! ✨❤️ Let’s make the world a better place together!

Writer’s Log, May 25, 2023

Jimmie Kepler in a hat and black t-shirt. The t-shirt has the word ABBA on the front in gold letters.

🌟🌞 Happy Thursday, May 25, 2023! 🌞🌟

It’s a terrific Thursday, and I’m feeling energized and ready to conquer the day! 💪😄 I decided to treat myself to some extra rest and slept in until 9:30 AM. 😴 Starting the day with a good night’s sleep sets the tone for success!

After waking up, I took my morning RXs to keep my health in check. 💊🌿 Health is wealth, and I’m all about taking care of myself. No one can love or care about you more than you!😇

To nourish my spirit, I indulged in my morning devotion and Bible reading. The text was an old favorite Psalm 56:3, “What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee. 📖🙏 It’s important to find moments of peace and reflection amidst the hustle and bustle of life.

I got some wonderful news from my high school age granddaughter! 🎉👩‍🎓 She passed all her finals! 🎓💯 Proud grandpa moment right here! 😍💕

Fueling my creative juices, I made my way to Starbucks for some delicious coffee and writing time. ✍️ There’s something magical about sipping a warm cup of joe while letting the words flow onto the page.

Yesterday, my friend Les Hall lent a helping hand and together we installed a brand new single post hand rail by the front door. Safety first, folks! 🚪 I’m taking every precaution to prevent any falls and keep myself safe and sound.

Later, I enjoyed a delightful evening meal of spaghetti with Les and my beautiful and mysterious girlfriend “she who can’t be named on the Internet.” 😉🍝 Good food and great company make for a perfect combination!

This afternoon, I’ll be diving into some writing admin stuff, reading – immersing myself in captivating writing of JRR Tolkien, walking, and allowing myself some well-deserved rest. 📚😌 It’s all about finding the balance between productivity and relaxation.

Speaking of organization, today it’s time to refill my pill organizer. With nineteen daily RXs, it’s no small task! But I’m determined to stay on top of it to ensure my well-being. 💪💊

Tonight, at 6 PM Dallas time, I’m super excited for my one-line writer’s group on Zoom! 📝 Sharing ideas and connecting with fellow writers is always inspiring and uplifting. These writers are like extended family to me. No lonely old man here when I have all these friends.

After the writer’s group, I’ll be heading to a local club to support a talented lady from my Mensa group. 🎶🎹 She’s part of a fantastic 1960s/1970s girls singer cover band, and I can’t wait to cheer her on! Go, Anne! 🎤🎵I’m wearing my ABBA t-shirt today to support her. 🎵🎵🎵

As the night winds down, I’ll return home for my usual late-night reading session and more time with the master wordsmith, JRR Tolkien. 🌙📚 Losing myself in the pages of a captivating book helps me unwind, relax, and drift off into dreamland. 😴💤

Wishing you all a fabulous Thursday filled with joy, achievements, and memorable moments! Let’s make the most of this terrific day! 💖And live a wonderful life.

#TerrificThursday #PositiveVibes #SafetyFirst #ProudParent #StarbucksTime #WritingCommunity #SupportLocalMusic #bookwormlife

Writer’s Log, May 24, 2023

Jimmie Kepler at Starbucks. He's seated at his computer. His dark brown hair is below the shoulder length, straight, and parted down the middle. He's smiling.

🌸 Good morning, wonderful Wednesday warriors! 🌸 I hope this post finds you in high spirits! Today, I’m thrilled to share some updates from an eventful day unfolding around me.

As I was getting in my car, my dedicated housekeeper, Mary drove up. While she diligently cleans and tidies up the house, I’ll find myself cozily nestled in a corner of my favorite coffeehouse. This vibrant atmosphere fuels my creative energy. While here, with every sip of my steaming cup of java, inspiration flows through me like a gentle breeze. I’ll pound out my daily writing word count in no time. Ah, such is my life as the common man is what I’d like to say, but I know my life isn’t average.

But wait, there’s more to this day! While the Mary works her magic at home, I’ll have the pleasure of meeting up with my dear friend Les for a delightful lunch at JGs Old Fashion Hamburgers. Our usual routine is to laugh, share stories, solve the world’s problems, and savor the flavors of our favorite dishes. Let’s see, will I have the veggie burger or a chicken Caeasr salad? Les will have a chicken sandwhich with mushrooms.

The warmth of friendship truly brightens even the dullest of days, doesn’t it? Plus, we’re still geting to know the new owners. We both miss Morris and Sharhzad, the former owners. Sigh.

To bask in the beauty of this midweek day, Les and I will take an after lunch leisurely stroll at North Park 🌳🚶‍♀️. The climate-controlled mall is a great walking venue. It also has a beautiful garden courtyard where the sun baths the surroundings in its golden glow, while the gentle rustling of leaves provided a soothing symphony for my ears as it provides cool relief on warm, humid days. Connecting with nature is like recharging my soul’s batteries, and it always has me feeling refreshed and inspired.

To add a cherry on top, I have another dinner date planned with “she who cannot be named on the Internet” tonight 🍽️. We’ll share delicious food, engage in heartfelt conversations, and create memories that will surely make us smile for years to come. There’s something truly magical about these shared special moments with a special person that makes life even more beautiful.

As the night and bed time approaches, I’m eagerly looking forward to curling up with the captivating book 📚 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings. The pages beckon me into new worlds of Hobbits, Elves, Dwarfs, Orcs, and Wizards, where imagination knows no bounds. The book has so much glorious detail, scenes, and adventures, that the movies just skip. Soothing green tea and a cozy blanket complete the picture, ensuring that I’ll have a restful night ahead.

Now, enough about me! I’d love to hear about your day and the things that bring joy to your midweek adventures. Let’s celebrate our shared experiences and create a ripple of positivity together!

May your Wednesday be filled with laughter, peace and love, and all the little things that make your heart sing. Keep that radiant smile on your face and continue to spread your wonderful vibes! Be the positive light in someone’s life today.

I close sending love and signing off as your friendly companion enjoying a day of leisure 💫 Enjoy a wonderful Wednesday.

Writer’s Log, May 21, 2023

Jimmie Kepler sitting in Starbucks coffee house.

🌸 Good morning, everyone! ☀️ It’s May 21, 2023, and I’m feeling perky and ready to embrace the day! 🎉 The weather outside is a delightful 66°F, providing the perfect backdrop for my morning adventures.
Last night was an absolute blast! 💃🏼🌙 I had the pleasure of dining with some amazing friends at Seasons 52 in the lovely Shops at Legacy in Plano. Let me tell you, those three ladies looked absolutely stunning! 😍👗 Finding parking in that area can be quite a challenge at that venue, but I made the smart choice of valet parking, and it turned out to be marvelous!
The evening was filled with delectable food, engaging conversations, and the company of fabulous people. Dining with those who are special to you is always a fantastic decision, don’t you agree? ❤️
This morning, as I hit the road, I was greeted by light traffic, making my commute a breeze. I made my way to my favorite coffee spot, settled in, and got ready to stream the Sunday morning worship services at my church. 🙏🏼✨ There’s something magical about starting the day with spiritual nourishment. After that, at 11 AM, it’s time to connect with my Bible fellowship class through Zoom. It’s amazing how technology keeps us all connected, no matter the distance!
In other news, have you heard about the recent announcement from Amazon? 📚🔔 They’ve decided to raise the price of Kindle Unlimited starting in June. Currently, it costs $9.99 per month, allowing you to read as many books as your heart desires from their extensive library. However, with the new price increase and considering my current reading habits, I’ve decided to cancel my subscription. Sorry, Amazon! 😔
Instead, I’ve started buying ebooks or print copies directly from the authors themselves. It feels great to support them while enjoying their wonderful creations. Plus, I’ve cancelled Disney+, Netflix, Hulu, and YouTube TV when they raised prices. See a pattern here? Canceling subscriptions when the prices go up! 💸😉
So, what are my plans for the rest of the day? It’s all about rest, relaxation, and indulging in some good old-fashioned reading! 📚✨ There’s nothing quite like immersing yourself in a captivating story and letting the outside world fade away. I hope you all have a marvelous day filled with joy, laughter, and all the things that bring you happiness. Take care, my dear friends! ❤️

Writer’s Log, May 20, 2023

Jimmie Kepler at a local coffee house. He's wearing a driving cap and hoodie. A big smile on on his bearded face.

🌟 Hey there, fabulous friends! Happy Saturday, May 20, 2023! Guess what? The scorching 🔥 93 degrees F weather from yesterday has given us a break. Woo-hoo! I woke up yesterday to a sweltering 76 degrees F, but today it’s a refreshing 63 degrees F. So much better, right? And hold on tight because the high for today will be a pleasant 76 to 78 degrees F. Now that’s what I’m talking about! Nice! 😎 #WeatherUpdate #FeelingGood

So, let me tell you about last night’s shindig. I was at the Mensa poker scholarship fundraiser, and oh boy, it was a brainy blast! Picture this: eighteen brilliant minds gathered around three poker tables, ready to rock the game. It lasted a whopping five hours, and let me tell you, I didn’t emerge as the ultimate champion. Nope, not this time. I secured a solid second place, though! Tension filled the room as the last hand had four of us vying for glory. The winner had an unbeatable combo of two kings and two threes, ace high, which trumped my pair of queens and pair of threes, also ace high. Phew, luckily it was all “play money” with no actual cash involved, because that hand would have cost me over five grand. On the bright side, we raised around $300 for the college scholarship fund. Woo-hoo! 💸💪 #PokerNight #SecondPlace #PlayMoney

After returning home, I took my nineteen evening prescriptions. Yup, you heard that right—nineteen! With all those meds, I munched on a half black forest ham sandwich to avoid an upset tummy. I drink two bottles of water to wash down this pharmaceutical feast created by those genius biologists, chemists, and pharmaceutical folks. I hit the sack at 1:44 AM. And you won’t believe what happened next. 💊🍞 #PrescriptionLife #MedsOnPoint

Now, here’s the kicker: despite the late bedtime, my internal clock had the audacity to wake me up at 5:55 AM. Can you believe it? Since going back to sleep was a lost cause, I got up, got dressed, took my morning prescriptions, and headed straight to my go-to caffeine joint. Oh boy, the line was insane!

There was this lady in front of me with a stack of gift cards, using them for a massive order. It seemed like an entire army had pooled their cards, even if they only had a penny on them, to cover the bill. Kudos to the superstar barista, who handled the situation like a pro when the lady realized there were a few cents missing to cover everything. I bet she was picking up enough coffee and food for over twenty people! While I waited patiently in line (well, kinda patiently), the queue behind me grew to almost a dozen folks. ☕️💃 #CaffeineRush #GiftCardSurprise

Oh, and while waiting for my much-needed java, I discovered the Dallas Stars lost their NHL hockey game last night in overtime. Bummer! I was planning to catch the replay later since Mensa took priority over the game. 🏒😞 #NHL #HockeyLife

Tonight, I have dinner reservations with someone special (you know, the girlfriend who shall remain unnamed on the Internet) and three other fantastic folks from my local writer’s group. They’re an amazing bunch! 🍽️✨ #DateNight #WritersUnite

Somewhere in between all the excitement, I need to squeeze in a walk, do some reading, make a health and welfare call to my dear friends Les and Don, and swing by the grocery store. Of course, I can’t forget to check my email and social media to keep up with what my adult children are up to. 🚶📚📞🛒📧 #BusyLife #SelfCare #StayConnected

But before I dive into all that, I need to let you know my morning devotional is completed (it’s always a priority). I’ve got my music playlist ready to go, and I’m almost done with this post. It’s time to get my writing groove on, folks!

Thank goodness for my noise-canceling headphones, ’cause this coffee shop is buzzing with people craving their morning fix and a hearty breakfast to go. 🎧☕️📝 #WritingMode #CoffeeHouseVibes

Life as a retiree is anything but dull or lonely, my friends. I’ve got my gig as a writer, and I’m blessed with an abundance of wonderful friends. Friends are like the family I’ve chosen.

Back in the ’80s and ’90s, when I was a Senior Adult Pastor, I used to tell my fellow retirement age friends to make at least one new friend every year. Why, you ask? Well, because we all need people, and if we don’t actively seek new connections, we might outlive most of our pals. Plus, let’s not forget what the Holy Bible says about friendship: “A man that has friends must shew himself friendly.” Wise words from Proverbs 18:24a, don’t you think? 🌟🤝 #RetirementVibes #BlessedWithFriends

Alright, my amazing buddies, have an absolutely fantastic weekend, and remember to spread that friendly vibe wherever you go! Catch you later! 😉✨ #WeekendVibes #FriendlyFeels

Writer’s Log, May 19, 2023

Jim Kepler seat in a Starbucks. He has long, below the should length hair and a beard. Look like a Dumbledore or Gandolf.

🌟 Hey there, folks! It’s Friday, May 19, 2023, and the weather is turning up the heat! ☀️ Waking up to a toasty 76 degrees Fahrenheit (24.4 Celsius) and a projected high of 91 Fahrenheit (32.7 Celsius), it feels like summer in full swing! 🌴 Can you believe it?

Last night was an absolute nail-biter as I stayed up way past my bedtime for the epic National Hockey League Eastern Conference finals playoff game between Florida and Carolina. 🏒 Four overtimes, can you believe it? It was a wild ride, but totally worth it! 🙌🏼 I finally called it quits around 3 AM when the postgame on SiriusXM channel 91 (NHL channel) wrapped up.

Now, let me tell you about my morning shenanigans! 😅 As a retired person, my body clock never seems to let me sleep in past 6 AM, even on a day like today. So, when I saw the clock reading 5:55 AM, you bet I rolled my eyes! But hey, no alarm clock needed for this free bird! I snuggled back under the covers, rolled to the center of the bed, and enjoyed a few more hours of blissful sleep. 😴 Finally, at 8:15 AM, I dragged myself out of bed, feeling a tad guilty like I had missed half the day already. Anyone else relate?

First things first, I tend to my morning rituals. Drops in the eyes to keep them bright and awake, check! 💧 A quick shuffle to get dressed, check! 💃 And of course, taking my morning RXs to keep everything in tip-top shape, check! ✔️ With those tasks tackled, it was time for my favorite part of the morning: my glorious cup of steaming coffee from the local coffee shop! ☕️ Oh, liquid caffeine, how I adore you!

Once I arrived at the coffee shop, I set up my trusty laptop, grabbed my cup of Joe, and settled in for a dose of inspiration at Christiandevotions.us. Their morning devotion prompt/story always gets my creative gears turning! 📚💡 Oh, and I couldn’t resist snapping a quick selfie for the day. You know, gotta show off the face to my adult kiddos! 😄 #VainDad

With the appropriate apps launched and the instrumental Harry Potter soundtrack playing to drown out any background noise, I’m ready to dive into my writing session. ✍️🎶 Magical vibes and a cozy coffee shop make for the perfect creative sanctuary!

But hold your horses, there’s more to this fabulous Friday! 🎉 After I wrap up my writing, I plan to indulge in some more Tolkien greatness with Lord of the Rings. 🧙‍♂️ And you know what else is on my agenda? A refreshing thirty-minute walk in the park before lunchtime! 🌳 Ah, fresh air and a bit of exercise, can’t go wrong with that combo!

Speaking of lunch, a delicious tuna sandwich is calling my name. 🥪 Yum! And let’s not forget the post-lunch nap. Blissful siestas are a must! 😴 After my beauty sleep, it’s time to give my hair some TLC. Gotta keep those locks looking fabulous!

Now, drumroll, please! 🥁 Tonight is the monthly Mensa scholarship fundraiser, and I wouldn’t miss it for the world! 🤓🎓 We’ll be raising funds by playing poker, and every single buy-in goes toward college scholarships. Such a fantastic cause! I may not be the poker champ, but win or lose, I’ll gladly leave $30 at the venue to support an intelligent student’s journey to higher education. Perhaps the closest thing to being an “official” genius is to be a member of Mensa International. After all, they are in the top two percent of world wide IQs . Let’s make a difference together!

The festivities will keep me up till the wee hours, probably around midnight or even 1 AM. 🌃 But hey, it’s all worth it for a good cause, right? Afterwards, I’ll make my way back home and collapse into bed, dreaming of the adventures yet to come. 💤 And so, the life of this soon-to-be seventy-year-old continues, always filled with excitement and purpose!

Hope you all have an amazing Friday and a fantastic weekend ahead! Remember to seize every moment, cherish the small joys, and spread those positive vibes! ✨ Stay perky, my friends! 😄🌈 #Friyay #GoodVibesOnly

What Does the Bible Say About People Who Please God?

How to Become a Christian

Here’s how can know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and be sure heaven is your eternal home. Click the link to read my personal story of accepting Jesus –My Story.

Disclosure: I am an Amazon affiliate. If you purchase using the links in the article I receive a small commission.

Books: Click on BOOKS to see some of the books I’ve written or where I’ve been a contributor.


How I Found Hope In God’s Word

2Lt Jimmie A Kepler at airborne school
Attending airborne school at Fort Benning, Georgia (class 37-76), I served as class company commander.

Bible Verse

“I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait, and in his word do I hope.”

Psalm 130:5 KJV

My Story

Psalm 130:5 says, “I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope.”

Is the trusting or waiting the harder part? Trust is hard. Waiting is harder. That’s why we hope our deepest desires get granted … they get granted right now. 

I’ve learned life doesn’t happen my way, on my timetable. Some things require waiting. And they are worth the wait. 

The Lord promises a reward to those who put their trust in Him. He will not disappoint us. 

It’s a lesson that I’ve learned through life experience. Would I go to war when I was only eighteen? Would I choose to place myself in harm’s way? Could I be a coward and run away to Canada? Or were there other choices? 

I was a young man during the Vietnam War, and the military draft was in full effect. Many of my peers were being called up to serve soon after graduation from high school. Everett Maxwell, my classmate Gary’s older brother, died in combat (KIA) my freshman year. You can see his entry on the Vietnam Wall memorial by clicking HERE.

Honorer on panel, line 17 of the wall – Everett Lee Maxwell

It was only a matter of time before they would draft me. I didn’t want to go to war, but I also didn’t want to flee the country or dodge the draft. I love America and would not leave.

Growing up in a career military family, I felt a strong sense of duty to my country. I wanted to serve in a way that aligned with my values and timing. 

My father served during the Vietnam War, the Korean War, and World War II. His example and counsel played a key role in my life. 

One day, my father said I should join the US Army ROTC program when I went to freshman orientation and registration at my university. ROTC stood for the Reserve Officer Training Corps. It was a way to defer serving in the military while still pursuing higher education. I could legally elude the draft and still offer my nation a meaningful military service on my time-table. ROTC allowed me to receive more training, complete a university education, and defer by four-years my entry into military service.

I tossed and turned at night as I debated signing up for ROTC. Dark thoughts consumed me for a couple of weeks. The decision weighed heavily every moment of the day. One thing I admitted was I felt a strong sense of duty to the US. Our freedom required people serving in the military. 

I started felling a calling to join the ROTC program. It was a decision that would change the course of my life forever. Committing to avoiding the draft short-term and serving in the US Army upon graduation, I joined US Army ROTC.

The ROTC program strengthened my mind. It helped me develop self-discipline. It was challenging, but I found I enjoyed the discipline and structure of military life.

During my time in ROTC, I also discovered a deep sense of camaraderie with my fellow cadets. We were all there for the same purpose, and we formed a tight-knit community that supported each other through the challenges of training. And ROTC made sure I attended classes and progressed to graduate on-time.

For me, this was the right choice.

My faith played a big role in my experience. I would trust in His timing.

When I graduated from ROTC, a commission as a Second Lieutenant in the US Army and selected for active duty awaited me. Serving my nation was an honor, and I felt ready to face any obstacles that came my way.

A variety of leadership and staff roles within the military awaited me. I deployed to various parts of the world, and I saw firsthand the sacrifices that soldiers make to protect our country. Through it all, I relied on my faith to give me strength and courage.

Looking back on my decision to join the ROTC program, God led me to this path. It was a challenging experience, but it was also one that shaped me into the person I am today. 

I learned to wait on the Lord and putting my hope in His word is crucial during times of uncertainty.

Psalm 130:5 has been a guiding principle in my life. It has taught me waiting on the Lord and putting my hope in His word is crucial. 

It has also shown me that during difficult circumstances, God has a plan for our lives. We just need to trust in Him and wait for His perfect timing. 

Joining the US Army ROTC program allowed me to serve my country while staying true to my values. It was a decision that I will always be proud of.

My late wife Benita and our oldest son are in this picture taken in January 1977 at Fort Lewis, Washington. I was serving as a Weapons (81 mm Mortars and T.O.W. Missiles) Platoon Leader in C Company, 2 Bn 47th Infantry, 3rd Brigade of the Ninth Infantry Division at this time.

Who wrote Psalm 130:5  and when was it written?

Psalm 130:5 is part of Psalm 130, which is one of the penitential psalms (Psalms 6, 32, 38, 51, 102, 130, and 143) in the Book of Psalms. We don’t know Psalm 130’s author. Authorship attributed to King David in Jewish and Christian traditions.

The exact date of Psalm 130’s writing is unknown, but many scholars believe it was composed during the post-exilic period (after the Babylonian exile), between the 6th and 4th centuries BC. The themes of repentance, forgiveness, and hope in Psalm 130 are consistent with the experiences of the Jewish people during the post-exilic period, as they sought to rebuild their lives and their relationship with God after their captivity.

If David wrote the Psalm, it dates between 1010 BC to 970 BC.

What is the context of Psalm 130:5?

Psalm 130:5 is part of a penitential psalm, also known as a psalm of confession or a psalm of repentance. Expressing his deep distress and sorrow over his sin, the psalmist is asking God for forgiveness and mercy.

Psalm 130:5 is the psalmist’s expression of hope and faith in God’s forgiveness and mercy. The psalmist is waiting for God to hear his prayer and forgive his sins, and he places his trust in God’s word and promises.

The preceding verses (Psalm 130:1-4) express the psalmist’s sense of guilt and his cry for mercy: “Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord! Lord, hear my voice! Let your ears be attentive to the voice of my pleas for mercy! If you, O Lord, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness, that you may be feared.”

After expressing his hope in God’s word in verse 5, the psalmist continues to wait on the Lord, comparing his waiting to that of a watchman waiting for the morning (verse 6). He then urges the people of Israel to put their hope in the Lord, who is merciful and forgiving (verses 7-8).

Overall, the context of Psalm 130:5 is one of deep repentance and a strong faith in God’s mercy and forgiveness. The psalmist acknowledges his sinfulness and his need for forgiveness, but he places his trust in God’s word and waits patiently for the Lord to answer his prayer.

What is the meaning of Psalm 130:5?

This verse expresses a deep trust and confidence in God’s promises and His word. It acknowledges that sometimes we must wait for God’s timing, but even in that waiting, we can find hope and comfort in His promises.

The context of this psalm is one of repentance and seeking forgiveness from God. The psalmist cries out to God from the depths of despair, asking for mercy and forgiveness for their sins. In verse 5, the psalmist expresses a willingness to wait for God’s response and to trust in His word.

Psalm 130:5 is a reminder to put our hope in God and to trust in His promises, even in times of waiting and uncertainty.

What does “I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait,” in Psalm 130:5 mean?

Psalm 130:5 expresses a deep sense of trust and dependence on God.

Waiting for the Lord refers to trusting in God’s timing and plan for our lives. It means that we acknowledge God is in control and that we wait for Him to act in His way and His time.

The phrase “my soul waits” emphasizes waiting not just on a physical or external level, but also on a spiritual and internal level. It shows a deep longing and desire for God and His presence, recognizing that our souls find true rest and peace in Him.

What does and in his word I put my hope in His word” Psalm 130:5 mean?

The phrase “in his word, I put my hope” emphasizes trusting in God’s promises and His written word. The Bible is a source of comfort and guidance for believers, and it reminds us of God’s faithfulness and steadfast love towards us. Therefore, as we wait for the Lord, we can place our hope in His promises, knowing that He will fulfill them in His perfect timing.The phrase “in his word” refers to God’s promises, and the teachings found in the Scriptures.

The psalmist is expressing his trust and confidence in God’s promises and instructions as a source of comfort and hope. By placing his hope in God’s word, he is affirming his belief that God’s word is true, and that God will fulfill his promises.

The psalmist is also acknowledging that waiting on the Lord can be difficult and requires patience, but he will wait and trust in God’s word, despite any challenges or hardships he may face. The psalmist’s ultimate hope is not in his own strength or ability, but in God’s faithfulness and the power to deliver him.

What is the difference in biblical translations of Psalm 130:5  (KJV, NIV & ESV)


Psalm 130:5 KJV biblical translation says:

I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait, and in his word do I hope.

Psalm 130:5 KJV


Psalm 130:5 NIV biblical translation says:

I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope.

Psalm 130:5 NIV


Psalm 130:5 ESV biblical translation says:

I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I hope;

Psalm 130:5 ESV

How does Psalm 130:5 give encouragement?

  1. Patience and trust: The verse encourages us to wait for the Lord, showing that God’s timing may not always align with our own, but we can trust He will come through for us.
  2. Hope: By putting our hope in God’s word, we can find comfort and assurance that He will fulfill His promises and provide for us.
  3. Wholehearted devotion: The phrase “my whole being waits” suggests a level of complete devotion and surrender to God, which can empower and encourage in times of difficulty or uncertainty.

Overall, this verse reminds us we can find encouragement and strength in God’s promises and trust in His faithfulness, even when we face challenges or waiting for answers.

How can I apply Psalm 130:5 to my life?

Psalm 130:5 says, “I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I hope.” This verse speaks about waiting on the Lord and putting our hope in His word. Here are a few ways you can apply this verse to your life:

  1. Cultivate a spirit of patience: Waiting on the Lord requires patience. Instead of rushing ahead with your plans and desires, take time to seek God’s will and wait for His timing. This may require a shift in your mindset and a willingness to trust that God’s plan is best.
  2. Spend time in God’s word: The psalmist puts his hope in God’s word. Make it a priority to read the Bible and allow God’s truth to shape your perspective and guide your decisions.
  3. Trust God’s faithfulness: When we wait on the Lord, we are confident in His faithfulness. He will not let us down, even when we face difficult circumstances. Remembering God’s faithfulness in the past can give us hope and courage for the future.
  4. Surrender your worries to God: Waiting can be difficult, especially during anxious times. Pray and surrender your worries to God. Trust that He is in control and that He will work things out for your good.

By applying these principles to your life, you can cultivate a deeper trust in God and experience the peace that comes from waiting for Him.

A model or example prayer using Psalm 130:5

Dear God,

I come before you today with a humble heart, seeking your grace and forgiveness. Your word in Psalm 130:5 reminds me I can put my hope in you because of your unfailing love, and I hold on to that promise today.

Lord, I confess I have fallen short of your glory. I ask for your forgiveness for the times when I have sinned against you and others. I pray for your mercy and your loving kindness to wash over me and renew me.

I also pray for the strength and courage to face the challenges ahead. Please give me the wisdom to make the right decisions and to follow your will in all things. Help me trust in your guidance and to walk in your ways.

Thank you for your steadfast love and faithfulness, even during difficult circumstances. I trust in your goodness and your power to see me through whatever lies ahead.

In Jesus’ name I pray, 



Psalm 130:5 speaks about waiting on the Lord and putting our hope in His word. Waiting on the Lord requires patience. Instead of rushing ahead with your plans and desires, take time to seek God’s will and wait for His timing. This may require a shift in your mindset and a willingness to trust that God’s plan is best.

The psalmist puts his hope in God’s word. Make it a priority to read the Bible regularly and allow God’s truth to shape your perspective and guide your decisions.

When we wait on the Lord and be confident in His faithfulness. He will not let us down, even when we face difficult circumstances. Remembering God’s faithfulness in the past can give us hope and courage for the future.

Waiting can be difficult, especially when anxious about the outcome. Pray and surrender your worries to God. Trust that He is in control and that He will work things out for your good.

By applying these principles to your life, you can cultivate a deeper trust in God and experience the peace that comes from waiting for Him.

What Does the Bible Say About Faithfulness and Productivity?

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