Writing Life – June 12, 2023

Hey everyone! 🌞✨What’s up, fellow authors? πŸ–‹οΈπŸ“š Today, I want to talk about what we value as creators. I got this idea from Joanna Penn. I agree with her. There are three amazing Fs that define our author journeys and why most people write. Most writers are motivated by one of the three Fs. They are Freedom, Fame, and Fortune! Let’s dive in and explore each one! πŸ’ͺπŸ”₯


First up, we have Freedom! πŸ•ŠοΈ For some writers the goal is being free. This means breaking free from the day job grind, deciding where we want to live, and choosing when and how we work. It’s all about having enough money to support ourselves and pursuing our passion without limitations. Plus, let’s not forget about being free by maintaining good health by making time for exercise and eating right, so we can continue enjoying life to the fullest even as we get older. We’re in control! πŸ™Œ


Next on the list is Fame! 🌟 For some authors it’s all about wanting our work to be recognized and admired. We seek that special place in people’s hearts where our name becomes synonymous with great storytelling. Winning awards and having our creations resonate with readers are the ultimate goals. Let’s make our mark and leave a legacy for generations to come! πŸ’«


And of course, there’s Fortune! πŸ’°πŸ’Έ Some writers are money driven. Who doesn’t love a little (or a lot) of financial abundance? Some authors aspire to make it rain money, money, money! They want the million dollar book deals and write for the monetary return.Β  Investing wisely and reaping the rewards of our hard work is the name of the game. They desire more than anything else to create a life of financial stability and abundance, so they focus on what truly matters to them: making money. πŸ’΅πŸ’Ό

Of the three Fs, I choose FREEDOM.

99 F degrees = 37.2 C degrees

Speaking of stories, today’s been a hot one! β˜€οΈπŸ”₯ In Dallas, we hit a scorching 99 degrees Fahrenheit (that’s a toasty 37.2 degrees Celsius). But fear not! Milestone Electric is coming to my place later today for a preventive maintenance visit, ensuring everything’s running smoothly before the temperature climbs even higher! 🏠⚑

A Tale of Two Tall Blondes

My day started bright and early with the alarm blaring at 7 AM. After taking care of the trash and recycling (gotta stay punctual with the trashcan schedule), I kicked off the morning routine. Meds? Check! Getting dressed? Check! Devotional time? Check! And then, off to my favorite local coffee house where two tall blondes were waiting for me. πŸ˜‰β˜•

The first blonde was none other than my beloved blonde roast coffee, my faithful companion in creative endeavors. β˜• The second blonde turned out to be a fascinating woman in her late 40s named Melissa. We struck up a conversation after I helped her retrieve some cash she dropped on the floor. She had a tote bag and on its side was the logo of a software I used to support. Turns out, we both worked on the same software before! She asked two software / development questions to make sure I was being truthful about my background with said software. Good for her for not taking what a guy says as gospel. It’s a small world, right? 🌍

Melissa shared that she’s here at the coffee shop working while her son works out with his friends, preparing for the upcoming football season. We talked about her worries of him getting injured, and I shared my own experience with my son’s knee surgery due to sports. Life’s unpredictable and playing sports is risky.

Curiosity sparked, Melissa said she noticed I wasn’t wearing a wedding ring and asked if I was married. I revealed I was 69 years-old, a widower, and in a committed relationship. She said someone was lucky since I admitted I was in a relationship. She said too many guys would omit that comment. She also said she couldn’t believe my age as I was the same age as her dad! She jokingly mentioned that she thought I was in my early 50s.

Well, thank you for the compliment, Melissa! πŸ˜„ I then encouraged her to prioritize self-checks, sharing Miss Benita’s melanoma cancer story. I shared how Benita and my faith in God and our Christian beliefs were a source of strength for both of us during the cancer journey. πŸ™

As I headed to my writing spot, Melissa bid me farewell, she said she’ll see me again tomorrow and to please say hello. She settled at a table halfway across the room, and I couldn’t help but appreciate the connection made with a stranger. It’s true what they say: I rarely meet someone I can’t have a meaningful conversation with! πŸ—£οΈ

All right, time to get down to business! It’s writing / rewriting time, my friends! πŸ“βœ¨ I’m back to my recommended rewrites.

I hope you all have an incredible day filled with opportunities to explore and create. Keep chasing those dreams and making magic with your words! You’ve got this! πŸ’«πŸ”₯

Writing Life – June 9, 2023

Jimmie Kepler wearing a Stetson straw fedora while sitting in Starbucks.

Overcoming Writing Challenges


It was 7:40 AM this morning, when I found myself standing in front of the bathroom scales, staring at the digital printout. It revealed an unwelcome truth: I had gained 1.1 pounds since yesterday’s weigh-in. Frustration welled up inside me as I muttered under my breath, recounting the 4.1 miles and 11,369 steps I had taken the day before. Despite my efforts, the weight refused to budge, leaving me questioning my abilities and wondering what was wrong with me.

This momentary setback reminded me of the work in progress book awaiting my attention, with edits and rewrites that had been looming for almost forty-five days. In the face of this writing challenge, I found myself constantly distracted by other tasks, evading the completion of my book.

However, I knew deep down that it was time to confront my fears and regain my focus.

1. The Struggle of Writing:

Writing, as an art form, is no stranger to struggle. Even for seasoned writers, taking the next step can be arduous, despite knowing exactly what that step entails.

The process is often marked by self-doubt, uncertainty, and a fear of failure. In my case, the current challenge was completing the rewrites for my book, a task that should only require six hours of dedicated work.

However, there was an inexplicable fear that held me back, preventing me from taking the leap and finishing what I had started.

2. The Temptation of Distractions:

To compound matters, I discovered that distractions easily found their way into my writing routine. Each morning, as I sat down at my computer here at my local coffee shop, I found myself drawn to writing my daily writer’s log or checking the stock market and my financials.

While these tasks had their own importance, they took precedence over the crucial edits and rewrites that my book demanded. Reflecting on this, I realized that my fear of completing the book and putting it out into the world may have contributed to my subconscious preference for these distractions.

The allure of familiarity and comfort prevented me from facing the unknown terrain of completing my manuscript.

3. The Culprit: Life’s Demands:

Blaming life became my go-to excuse for my writing struggles. Amidst the daily responsibilities, obligations, and unexpected challenges that life throws our way, it is easy to lose sight of our goals.

Writing, an intensely personal and creative endeavor, often takes a backseat as we prioritize the demands of our professional and personal lives. While it is essential to strike a balance, it is equally crucial to acknowledge that life’s challenges should not hinder our progress. Instead, they should serve as catalysts for finding renewed determination and motivation.

4. Embracing the Solution:

Confronted with these realizations, I knew it was time for a change. I made a conscious decision to cease typing my thoughts and go straight to the rewrites that awaited me. The thought of completing even a single chapter today filled me with a newfound sense of determination.

I reminded myself that progress is often achieved one step at a time, one chapter at a time. The task of completing twenty chapters seemed less daunting when broken down into manageable increments of fifteen minutes per chapter.

With the end of the month as my deadline, I took a deep breath and reaffirmed my belief in my ability to overcome this challenge.


Writing, like any creative pursuit, is fraught with challenges. It demands perseverance, focus, and an unwavering belief in oneself. By acknowledging and addressing the obstacles that impede our progress, we can navigate the treacherous path of creation more effectively.

Although fear and distractions may threaten to derail our endeavors, it is through embracing these challenges head-on that we find the strength to persevere. As I embarked on my rewrites, I realized that completing a book requires discipline, dedication, and a willingness to confront our inner doubts. With each chapter I completed, I inched closer to my goal.

The journey may be difficult, but armed with determination and a commitment to take it one step at a time, success is within reach.

My guess is you face similar challenges.Β 

Writing Life – June 8, 2023

Jimmie Kepler holding CS Lewis classic spiritual books bookset.

Hey everyone. Happy Thursday. Let’s make it a terrific day! πŸŽ‰ It’s June 8th, and I’m feeling fantastic! Here’s a glimpse of my day so far:

Started the morning with my usual routine of taking my RXs and spending some peaceful time with my devotional. ✨ It’s important to start the day on a positive note!

I had an exciting moment of financial responsibility by making a deposit to my bank savings account as some money I was owed showed up – as they say they check was in the mail.Β  πŸ’° It’s always great to see those savings grow! I like collecting money more than spending it. Sigh – I paid my quarterly federal taxes yesterday, so on the ledger it’s like a wash or break even.

Then, I hopped into my car and drove to my favorite local coffee house β˜•οΈ to get my caffeine fix. Nothing beats the aroma of freshly brewed coffee in the morning!

Now, I’m diving into some productive writing and editing tasks. πŸ“ There’s something satisfying about polishing your work and making it shine!

Later in the morning, I’ll be delving back into the enchanting world of “The Lord of the Rings” by J.R.R. Tolkien. πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ Can’t wait to get lost in the epic adventure once again!

Afterwards, I’ll be heading to the mall for my daily walk. πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ It’s a great way to stay active and enjoy some window shopping at the same time!

In the afternoon, I’m continuing my reading journey with “The Screwtape Letters” by C.S. Lewis. πŸ“š It’s fascinating to explore the intricate depths of Lewis’s mind! I’m reading through the spiritual classics of C.S. Lewis (see today’selfie). πŸ“š

I also have more exciting things to work on today, like more government paperwork preparing for my trans-pacific cruise. 🚒 Adventure awaits!

Yesterday, I had a major win by securing my assigned seats on a Quantas Airlines flight from Sydney, Australia back to LAX for a November trip. I got an aisle seat close to the restroom – both are important for me and especially since I’ll on the plane over sixteen hours. ✈️ The excitement is building up!

Later tonight, I’ll be joining a refreshing Bible Study Magazine session via Zoom. πŸ“– It’s always inspiring to connect with others and grow in faith together. The group is an important part of my writing family and my personal spiritual growth.

Before I doze off, I’ll be indulging in some captivating bedtime reading with “Madly, Deeply” by Alan Rickman. πŸŒ™ It’s like having a personal conversation with the amazing actor himself! Don’t know Alan Rickman? He was the villain in the first Die Hard movie and Snape in the Harry Potter movies plus many more movies and plays.

Remember, folks, have an amazing day and strive to make a positive impact on someone’s life. Let the light of Jesus shine through you, and spread that love and positivity! ✨❀️ Let’s make the world a better place together!

Writer’s Log – June 6, 2023

“Hey there, fabulous people! Happy Tuesday, June 6th, 2023! 🌞✨ I’m feeling energized and ready to seize the day! πŸ’ͺπŸ’ƒ

This morning kicked off bright and early for me. I jumped out of bed, got all dolled up, and made sure to take my important prescriptions. Health first, am I right? πŸ’ŠπŸ˜Š Then, I hopped into my trusty car and zoomed over to the tax office like a boss. πŸ’¨ I paid off all my property taxes for the rest of the year! πŸ‘πŸ’° In my state and county, they’ve got this awesome perk where you can pay quarterly with no interest if you’re 65 or older. Super convenient! So, I went ahead and took care of the whole year. Woohoo! Mission accomplished! I only had a 60-minute wait before they called my number. πŸŽ‰

Oh, and guess what? I also swung by the pharmacy to pick up two heart medications. Can’t forget about my precious health, right? ❀️ Gotta keep that ticker in top shape!

Before diving into my day, I had the pleasure of catching up with my buddy Les on a quick phone call. It’s always great to connect with friends and share some laughs! πŸ˜„β€οΈ

Now, I’m cozied up at my favorite coffee shop, ready to conquer some serious writing. β˜•πŸ“ Words flow best when accompanied by a warm cup of joe, don’t you agree? Writing is my passion, and this morning is the perfect time to let my creativity soar! πŸš€βœ¨

Later on, I’ve got Milestone Electric swinging by to do a routine service on my HVAC unit. A little preventive maintenance goes a long way in keeping things running smoothly and extending their lifespan. Gotta take care of those appliances, people! πŸ’‘πŸ’¨

Somewhere in between all the excitement, I plan to squeeze in a refreshing walk and indulge in some quality reading time. It’s all about finding that balance, right? πŸšΆπŸ“š A little me-time never hurt anyone!

Somewhere along the way I also need to eat. I must keep up my strength.

Well, my lovely friends, I better get back to my writing session. Time to let those ideas flow onto the page! Wishing you all an absolutely terrific Tuesday! Stay amazing! 😘✨

Happy Valentine’s Day

A Sunday Letter

Dear Friends,

My hope is my letter finds you well and enjoying your Sunday morning.

As we start this day, I wanted to encourage you to make the most of it. Foremost, take a moment to enjoy your coffee and savor the moment. Here in North Texas there is a cold front with rain moving through. Stay warm and cozy. Don’t forget to check your outdoor faucets and pipes to make sure they’re protected from the potential freezing weather that’s descending on much of the USA.

Besides taking care of your physical comfort, consider your spiritual health as well. Attending church in person or streaming it can be a great way to connect with your faith and community. Spending time with your family is also a wonderful way to connect and strengthen relationships. God made humankind to fellowship with Him and others. He even said in

Genesis 2:18, β€œAnd the LORD God said,Β It isΒ not good that the man should be alone; …”

Don’t neglect your companionship with friends, your relationship with family, and don’t leave God out of your life. Maybe respond to that email a friend sent you that you’ve not made time to answer or call that cherished friend.

As you enjoy your Sunday, why not take the time to read a book or some poetry? This can be a great way to slow down and reflect on life. Life doesn’t have to center on the sporting events on television. Great instrumental music can play in the background as you read and meditate. And don’t forget to get some exercise, even if it’s just a short walk around the block.

I encourage you to make the most of this Sunday. God blessed you with getting to live today.

Whether it’s taking care of your physical, spiritual, or emotional well-being, or taking the time to enjoy the simple things in life, make the most of this time and cherish it.

Remember, the words of the Psalmist from

Psalm 118:24 in the Holy Bible, β€œThis is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.”

Wishing you a wonderful Sunday and a blessed week ahead!

Best regards,
Jimmie A. Kepler


How To Be A Better Friend

How To Be A Better Friend

β€œAs in water face reflects face, so the heart of man reflects the man.” – Proverbs 27:19 ESV

Six Marks of Friendship

1 – I Must Be Committed

β€œA man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” – Proverbs 18:24 ESV

β€œWhoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen.” – 1 John 4:20

2 – I Must Be Considerate

β€œWhat is desired in a man is steadfast love, and a poor man is better than a liar.” – Proverbs 19:22 ESV

β€œLet everyone see that you are considerate in all you do.” – Philippians 4:5 NLT

β€œWhoever covers an offense seeks love, but he who repeats a matter separates close friends.” – Proverbs 17:9

  • Friends don’t rub it in, they help rub it out!

3 – I Must Be Confidential

β€œWhoever goes about slandering reveals secrets, but he who is trustworthy in spirit keeps a thing covered.” – Proverbs 11:13

β€œArgue your case with your neighbor, And do not reveal the secret of another,” – Proverbs 25:9 ESV

4 – I Must Be Candid

β€œBetter is open rebuke than hidden love. Faithful are the wounds of a friend; profuse are the kisses of an enemy.” – Proverbs 27:5-6

β€œWhoever gives an honest answer kisses the lips.” – Proverbs 24:26

  • Compliment in public, correct in private
  • Correct when they are up, not when they are down, depressed or despondent.
  • Never rebuke a friend unless you are open to allowing them to rebuke you.

5 – I Must Be Constructive

β€œIron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.” – Proverbs 27:17

β€œOn the other hand, the one who prophesies speaks to people for their upbuilding and encouragement and consolation.” – 1 Corinthians 14:3 ESV

  • Build up each other.
  • Be a cheering section for your friends, spouse, and children.

6 – I Must Be Considerate

β€œA friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” – ProverbsΒ  17:17 ESV

β€œNot given to wine, not combative but gentle and considerate, not quarrelsome but forbearing and peaceable, and not a lover of money [insatiable for wealth and ready to obtain it by questionable means].” – 1 Timothy 3:3 ESV

β€œSo now we can rejoice in our wonderful new relationship with God because our Lord Jesus Christ has made us friends of God. β€œ – Romans 5:11 NLT

Photo Source: Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay

How to Have a Friend

As I write this post, it’s a Tuesday morning. I’m writing at my favorite Starbucks. I love Tuesday’s as this coffeehouse has a little more traffic than usual this morning.


The reason for the increased customer traffic is a running club meets here on Tuesday and Friday. They’ve come here for over twenty-five years. A number of them are good acquaintances. A couple of the members attended my wife’s funeral last spring. They always ask how I am doing, what I am writing, how my book sales are doing, and share what they are reading. They ask what I’m reading as well.


This morning I asked one how loves history what he’s reading. His face lit up with joy. He shared his excitement on the latest book he is dipping into. He also commented he had found my blog, Kepler’s Book Reviews.Β 


He said I should have told him about it.


I replied I simply post reviews of some of the books I have read and liked. I stated I write a short review on what I read and post some of them.


What’s my point?


Even the Bible tells us in Proverbs 18:24a (KJV), “A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly:”


Not into the Bible? The writer/poet Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “The only way to have a friend is to be one.” Β The poet Rod McKuen penned, “Strangers are friends just waiting to happen.”


The post’sΒ title is “How to Have a Friend.” The answer is to be one!


Why not add at least one new friend, even a casual one to your circle? You will both be blessed.

Photo Source: Pixabay