Writer’s Log – June 21, 2023

Dr Jim Kepler

Welcome to “It’s Never Too Late: Uncovering the Magic of Writing After Sixty, ” I’m Dr. Jimmie Aaron Kepler, Christian nonfiction author and poet. This is my writer’s log for June 21, 2023! Today, I’m writing about coffee, a few hours of continuing recommended rewrites, a day of cleaning, being a fit writer, and an emotional reflection.


Welcome friends! Today I want to share with you the events of my day, starting with the arrival of the housekeeper in the morning. She dedicates a full eight hours to meticulously cleaning every corner of my house, leaving it fresh and spotless. I’m blessed to afford this luxury. The common man does not describe my life style.

Editing and Rewrites:

While Mary takes care of the chores, I headed to Starbucks to enjoy a peaceful morning of writing while sipping on a delightful cup of blonde roast coffee. I even had the pleasure of greeting my friends Melissa and Karen, who were also indulging in their favorite coffees and also working remotely (Melissa) and crossword puzzles (Karen).

Like many writers, I prefer writing the first draft to doing the editing and rewrites, especially the editor’s recommendations. Sigh, it’s the editor’s suggestions that polishes my work and sometimes is the single secret ingredient that makes is saleable.

Fitness Center Connection:

After a productive writing session, I’ll kickstart my physical well-being by going for a walk at the fitness center. It’s always refreshing to engage in some exercise after a good dose of caffeine and creative thinking or mind-numbing editing.

Interestingly, I frequently encounter the former owner of JG’s at the fitness center, as we both share a membership there. It’s always a pleasure to catch up and reminisce about the old times while pursuing our fitness goals.

The sense of community in such encounters is truly heartwarming. I normally walk twice a day and see Morris during my 4 PM treadmill session. 

Weekly Routine:

As the morning progresses, I have an exciting lunch appointment with my friend Les Hall at 10:45 am.

We chose JG’s Old Fashion Hamburgers as our meeting spot, and I must say, their delicious food never disappoints. 

I usually eat either their veggie burger or chicken Caesar salad with water.

An Emotional Journey:

This afternoon holds a special plan for me as I embark on a 250-mile drive south to Gonzales, Texas, where I will spend the next two nights. I have reserved a suite at La Quinta, which proved to be more economical than a regular room thanks to the points I accumulated. 

This trip holds a significant emotional weight as I will be meeting my family and visiting our parents’ graves. Tomorrow would have been my father’s 96th birthday, and the absence of his presence weighs heavily on my heart. I miss him dearly, and this visit will provide an opportunity to honor his memory and find solace. I think I miss him so much as I really got to know him and we developed a great friendship, talking multiple times daily for almost three-years after my mother passed.

Happy early birthday dad.

Embracing Summer:

It’s worth noting that today marks the first day of summer, and as expected, the scorching heat continues to make its presence felt. While the weather might be intense, it only adds to the anticipation of the summer season and the adventures it holds. So, despite the heat, I’m determined to make the most of this day.


I hope you enjoyed reading about my day, filled with cleaning, coffee, friendship, fitness, and emotional reflection. As the summer begins, let’s embrace the opportunities it presents and make each day count. Here’s wishing you a fantastic day ahead!

Keep on smiling and be the sunshine in someone’s life.


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